Contract Between South Africa, Pfizer, Bio N Tech Proves Efficacy And Long Term Effects Of Vaccines Were Unknown

in deepdives •  last year 

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A judge in South Africa order Pfizer to release the confidential contract agreement between South African government and Pfizer for the purchase of the covid vaccine. The contract was released a few days ago and should be making headlines across the globe. The reasoning being what is contained in clause 5.5 of the contract that clearly indicates that Pfizer and Bio N Tech couldn't guarantee to world governments the efficacy or safety of the vaccines. Claus five point five is why these agreements were confidential. If all the agreements signed by governments with Pfizer and Bio N Tech, since they had been relieved of all liability, we can assume they'd all contained similar wording to clause 5.5, keeping the contracts confidential hid the lie fed to the global populace that the vaccines were safe and effective.

30 March 2021

Clause 5.5: Purchaser Acknowledgement.
Purchaser acknowledges that the Vaccine and materials related to the Vaccine, and their
components and constituent materials are being rapidly developed due to the emergency
circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be studied after provision
of the Vaccine to Purchaser under this Agreement. Purchaser further acknowledges that
the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there
may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known. Further, to the extent
applicable, Purchaser acknowledges that the Product shall not be serialized.

By Pfizer and Bio N Techs own admission they unleashed upon the world a product that clearly, they were doubtful as to whether it would perform as an intended vaccine. If that admission doesn't take you where you want to go on the subject than the clause prior to clause 5.5 should do it for you where they disclaim any representation or warranties or a fitness for a particular purpose. Clause 5.4 states:

No Other Warranty.
Except to the extent set out expressly in this Agreement, all conditions, warranties or other
terms which might have effect between the Patties or be implied or incorporated into this
Agreement (whether by statute, common law or otherwise) are hereby excluded to the
fullest extent permitted by Laws. Without prejudice to the general nature of the previous
sentence, unless this Agreement specifically states otherwise and to the maximum extent
permitted by Law, Pfizer expressly disclaims any representations or warranties with respect
to the Product, including, but not limited to, any representation, warranties or undertaking
as to (a) non-infringement of Intellectual Property rights of any third patty, (b) that there
is no requirement to obtain a license of third party Intellectual Property rights to enable the
use or receipt of the Product, (c) merchantability, or (d) fitness for a particular purpose.

Part (d) of that paragraph exempts Pfizer and Bio N Tech from any claims made by a third party of the fitness of the product for a particular purpose. That would include claiming immunity from covid if one got a covid vaccine. Which we all know was the selling point governments used to entice people to get vaccinated. That clause gave governments free reign to say whatever it took to entice people as the manufacturers were exempt from legal liability of such claims. Clause 1.13 kept the agreements confidential from the public eye so they could decipher for themselves if it was true what they were being told.

1.13 "Confidential Information" means all confidential or proprietary information, other than
Exempt Information, in any form, directly or indirectly disclosed to Recipient or its
Representatives by or on behalf of the Disclosing Party pursuant to this Agreement,
regard less of the manner in which such information is disclosed, de livered, furnished,
learned, or observed, e ither marked "Confidential" or, if oral, declared to be confidential
when d disclosed and confirmed in writing within thirty (30) days of disclosure. Confidential
Information includes, without limitation, the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

If you read through the contract, you can see that Pfizer and Bio N Tech were exempt from all liabilities including claims made by the technology holders whom they procured the rights to use those technologies. Including buying the rights from Vivek Ramaswamy to use the liquid nano particle technology he held the patent to. Vivek Ramaswamy built his fortune off pump and dump operations buying failed patent technologies from pharmaceutical companies. He would set up offshore tax haven subsidiaries to Roivent, or incorporate them in Switzerland, get investors to invest than when the studies more often than not failed investors would lose millions. I think when people stop and look at this thinking there is no avenue of restitution for those injured or who died after having taken the vaccines, I just think they are looking in the wrong places. People should start to look at the patents and research that went on under Kristina Karamo and Drew Weissman, Kristina was the woman hailed as a hero, but she is directly responsible for the immune switch the vaccine produce. There's Vivek and his companies, there's Protein Science Corporation's Manon Cox, and people at Ablynx who all may have sold rights to flawed technologies that went into the vaccines. All research and development done prior should be investigated, their patents records looked at. If these people passed on flawed technology, they should be held accountable. Fauci to for coordinating it all but he is just the point man to keep everyone else safe and hidden.

There's one other individual that its time people stop trying to defend and that's Trump and his complicity in it all. When he said on Oct 12, 2020 "Under my leadership we're delivering a safe vaccine", that was an outright lie. Not even the pharmaceutical companies according to this contract disclosure made such a claim. Then again on Oct 24, 2020, when Trump said, "So they brought it down now, immunity from life to four months", that means he knew all along these vaccines would require repeated boosters, they weren't going to work as promoted, and that they switched up people's immune response.

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