The claims were rather odd that the government was trying to inflate the price of eggs through putting something in the feed that kept backyard hens from producing eggs. As stated in another article related to this matter I did yesterday it just didn't add up in the overall scheme of egg production in this country. That was further opined on by other comments that there is no shortage of eggs just pricy eggs in the stores. That of course got my inquiring mind wanting to know just what's up with these claims and the eggs.
I spent the better part of the weekend looking into everything you'd want to know about eggs plus some. The plus some was what prompted me to do the post on Tucker Carlson. It wasn't just what wasn't obvious, at least to me, that was going on with that segment he did but what else wasn't detailed or could have been detailed in that presentation. Like giving back yard birders or Q Anon individuals the benefit of the doubt if there really was some eggspiracy going on what would be behind it besides creating a perceived egg shortage. But in a scenario such as that common sense would prevail and appear less indignant of his contemptuous behavior. I've pointed it out before and certainly deserves repeating, you don't pose questions such as this unless you've contemplated your own righteous indignations:
Tucker To DeSantis: It's interesting because you see a lot of people come from some little town, providence, and they show up at Yale or Harvard Law or become a naval law officer, which I don't think it's that different, it is an elite institution and they decide this is the world I really love, these are the values I really believe in, it sounds like you came away from your experience more contemptuous.
Lending any credence to Q Anon would go against the things he's come to love and value. He can't look at the eggspriacy objectively so I'll do it for him a second time. In a July 2021 article under Nutritional Immunology published in Frontiers there was a paper written on Dairy-Derived and Egg White Proteins in Enhancing Immune System Against COVID-19. What was further intriguing was below the headline the medical establishments in countries involved in writing the paper, one being Saudi Arabia. I often opined on Trump's trade agreements that the Saudi's can't seem to get enough of our eggs. I was also curious as to how eggs could play such a beneficial role as I distinctly remember Trump telling the world in one of his press conferences that eggs wouldn't work the same as they traditionally do when producing a vaccine. I have a lot more to say on that topic in another op but none the less is if eggs were out of the equation how could they play a pivotal role toward warding off the corona virus. It's something called the lgY in eggs. Which is similar to the lgG in humans, both modulators of the immune system. IgY works even better as it's less likely to mount inflammatory responses against the bodies own proteins. The compatibility between the two systems and the lessening chance of an inflammatory response is why eggs are the perfect candidate for vaccines. I stopped to wonder if this is the reason the Saudi's are buying so many eggs what were the deaths rates compared to some of these countries who authors contributed to this story compared to ours. Surprising looking at the covid data tracker for the last twenty eight day period the death rate for many of them was zero to single digits with the Saudi's coming in at a double digit of fifty. That's still not bad compared to our reported three hundred deaths a day still occurring. The report on consuming eggs though gets even better:
Egg white part is rich in bioactive compounds with antimicrobial activity (42, 43), besides immunoprotective proteins, which include ovalbumin, ovotransferrin, ovomucin, lysozyme, and avidin that account for 54, 12, 3.5, 3.4, and 0.5% of the egg white proteins by weight, respectively (42). These proteins exert antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effect through direct action on inflammatory pathways (44, 45).
Inflammation is a conventional physiological reaction to infection by pathogens and physical tissue disruption, but it has also been associated with chronic metabolic disorders (23, 46). Inflammation can be regulated by both nutritional and bioactive supplements thereby reducing the disease risk or pathogenesis
Well we can't have all those little helpers coming along to modulate the immune system and help quell inflammation while the vaccine, according to a new study published in Science Immunology from the Cleveland Clinic is actually switching up the immune response to covid. In an article entitled: Class Switch Towards Non Inflammatory Spike Specific lgG4 Antibodies After Repeated Sars Cov 2 mRNA Vaccination the vaccine somewhat after a second shot but most definitely after a third shot and with each subsequent infection is switching the lgG3 response, which you want for a viral infection, to a lgG4 which is the response you want that tells your body to tolerate allergies and pollen. This diversional switch is telling your body to tolerate covid not rid the body of covid. Your response could be less severe, probably why they promote the vaccines as lessening the severity of the disease. Could isn't a good thing when it comes to people with compromised immune systems as it further lessens already over taxed immune systems as the virus can wear on for weeks as it's not being eliminated but tolerated. The article goes on to say this could be a reason for long covid cases. The article explains the long term effects of this switch isn't known yet but covid isn't the only virus affected by this switch. Every virus a person gets moving forward the response will be to tolerate not eliminate the virus. Which they stated could be the results of higher instances we seen in the flu and RSV cases this past winter as the extended length of illness widens the window of transmission.
Eggs are the best example of dietary components with immunomodulatory effects (26). Studies have shown that egg proteins and its derivative peptides act on various immunomodulatory pathways (Table 1). For instance, ovalbumin modified by methylglyoxal stimulates RAW 264.7 macrophages to secrete TNF-α (56). Elsewhere, Rupa et al. (47) reported that heat denatured ovalbumin modulates cytokines production by CD4+ T cells. Heat-denatured ovalbumin also modulates interleukins' (IL) production by downregulating IL-4 and upregulating IL-10, 12, and 17. Ovalbumin-derived peptides corresponding to amino acids in position 77–84 and 126–134 also enhances the phagocytic activity of macrophages (57) and are reported to enhance immunotherapy (50, 53, 58). Ovotransferrin, another egg white protein, has been shown to stimulate the production of IL-6 and metalloproteinase (MMP) in HD 11 chicken macrophages (59). Xie et al. (59) also reported that ovotransferrin stimulates murine macrophages to produce proinflammatory cytokines through the MAPK signaling pathway. Notably, IL-6 is one of the adaptive immunity components. During chronic inflammation, IL-6 activates T cells, enhances the B cells proliferation and upregulates antibody production. The peptides produced when ovomucin is cleaved by alcalase also express anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting TNF-mediated NF-κB pathway (49). Tanizaki et al. (60) reported that ovomucin glycoproteins can stimulate macrophages through elevated production of IL-1 and hydrogen. Furthermore, egg white's cystatin enhances the nitric oxide (NO) production by IFN-γ-activated macrophages as a result of IL-10 and TNF-α cytokines activity (61). Cystatin also affects gingival fibroblasts' production of IL-6 and 8 cytokines (62). In another study, Sugahara et al. (63) reported lysozyme-mediated production of immunoglobins. Lysozyme-mediated upregulation of IgM synthesis has been shown to be effective in the management of chronic sinusitis bronchitis and sinusitis (55, 64). Elsewhere, Ha et al. (54) reported the immunomodulatory activity of Maillard-type lysozyme-galactomannan conjugate through NO-enhanced cytokines production in macrophages. This immunomodulatory effect also originates from stimulation of ERK, NF-κB, and JNK pathways. Livetin from the egg yolk has been reported to suppress proinflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β, 6, and 10 and TNF-α in macrophages thereby inhibiting inflammation (52). Immunoglobulins (G1, G2, M, and A) have been shown to possess immunomodulatory properties in the management of bacterial and viral diseases. Yolkin from egg yolk has also been reported to inhibit free radical generation, thereby inhibiting oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory cytokines, like IL-1β, 6, and 10 and TNF-α in macrophages (55), although at high temperatures, the rate of immunoglobulins aggregation is greatly enhanced thereby locking immunoglobulins in aggregates before complete denaturation.
Available clinical evidence reveals that although people of all ages are susceptible to infection, a poor prognosis and higher mortality rate has been reported in malnourished elderly individuals, immunocompromised patients and even in those with chronic diseases (5). In this sense, not only does good nutrition enhance body immunity against diseases, including COVID-19, but also shortens the recovery period (6). The elderly are especially susceptible to infection, owing to their body's declining physiological and immunological efficiency. This increases the likelihood of infections, being severe and refractory, thereby presenting an immunity challenge to the elderly who happens to contract an infectious pathogen. This elucidates the importance of systematic nutritional derangements in COVID-19 patients since immunity is weakened by inadequate nutrition.
If there was an eggspiracy abound related to eggs and possible nefarious activity it'd be the health benefits eggs provide in modulating the immune system and the prophylactic measures they provide in warding off severe disease. When it comes to those backyard farmers there's an extra added benefit. Some of those individuals, along with others who have a diet rich in eggs, milk and other fermented products may explain those articles you read asking why some individuals never get covid. When it comes to the backyard farmers retrieving young hen eggs they are richer yet in lgY, which is why the government prefers eggs produced by young hens in vaccine development. Just like a mother who passes on protective immunity to babies so do young hens, they have more lgY than older hens before it wanes just as it does with babies. So if there's some eggspiracy going on it would be that the high prices of eggs is to compel less consumption of eggs due to their overwhelming ability to be not just compatible to the human IgG immune responses but they do so with less of an inflammatory response involved and many other contributory factors. With eggs reaching two to three hundred percent of the normal inflationary affects seen with other products I'd now be prone to believe that if a eggspiracy exist it's due to their overwhelming beneficial contributions, and least to mention the potential however slight of egg consumption developing a passive immunity.