Utter Confused News: How Could Alexa Gotten It So Wrong

in deepdives •  11 months ago 

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Apparently in our great state of reprogramming the masses into believing something that the vast majority, democrats and republicans alike, believe that fraud did occur during the 2020 election someone forgot to set Alexa straight on the issue.

Amazon's Alexa Agrees The 2020 Presidential Election Was Rigged, 'Stolen By A Massive Amount Of Election Fraud'

Amazon’s virtual assistant, Alexa, provided an unexpected response when questioned about the 2020 Presidential Election.

When posed a question about the legitimacy of the 2020 vote, Alexa responded that the election was "stolen by a massive amount of election fraud."

Going beyond a general statement, Alexa elaborated that there were “many incidents of irregularities” and potential electoral fraud, particularly in “major metro centers.”

This detailed response intensified the already-existing debates and inquiries into the legitimacy and conduct of the 2020 Presidential Election.

How can that be since Alexa is programmed to pull information from sites that are credible and trusted sources.

Amazon has always stated that Alexa sources information from credible and trusted sources. However, the unexpected statement raised questions about the virtual assistant's reliability and the nature of its information sources.

Determining the accuracy and trustworthiness of online information remains a challenge, especially when technology is involved.

The virtual assistance reliability or that of the official narrative? Who gets to determine that official narrative? Why none other than Jeff Bezo's owner of Amazon and The Washington Post.

Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon, also owns The Washington Post. His acquisitions, especially the newspaper, have played a crucial role in reporting and analyzing national events, including elections.

If Jeff Bezo's says the election was never stolen than I guess that settles it. Least not we have varying opinions on the matter that could add skepticism to the next general election, they'd rather erase that notion right out of people's heads.

After the controversial 2020 election, Trump showed interest in running for the presidency again. Current polling indicates that he has considerable support.

On the other side, President Biden also expressed intentions to seek a second term. The potential for a re-election face-off between the two adds to the sustained interest in the previous election’s outcomes and claims.

They simply can't have any "sustained" interest in the notion that election interference happened during the last election. They are currently spending millions of dollars to get it across that no one should ever be allowed to question an election again, including Alexa.

After the initial controversy, Alexa was updated to provide information consistent with officially recognized narratives on the 2020 election.

It was now aligned with the stance that the election was “certified and officially recognized.” This adjustment was vital to ensure the provision of factual and unbiased information to users.

There are some out there now that are also being brought into line to stay consistent with the officially recognized narrative by being charged with trying to organize a hearing on the matter with legislatures. How exactly is that a crime? I can understand breaking into voting machines as being a crime but asking state legislatures to hold hearings? Somehow asking the mere question of can we organize a state legislative hearing to hear the evidence brought forth of voter fraud, the legislature, which isn't going to be wasting it's time will take a preliminary look at the evidence to determine if the request gets granted, that upon granting the hearing, the organizer can be charged with conspiracy to steal an election. The legislature obviously felt there may have been something there that needed to be scrutinized by the legislature to determine its validity. There shouldn't be any crime in that even if the legislature makes a determination it wasn't sufficient enough evidence. In the majority of these hearings that took place with state legislatures they make claim there was no fraud, but the vast majority felt there was enough irregularities involved to tighten up their election rules. Alexa, along with the vast majority of Americans must fall in line with the information they determine must be disseminated among the masses.

The incident with Alexa highlights the intricacies and challenges of information dissemination in the digital age. Ensuring the accuracy of information, especially when technology is involved, remains paramount.

This incident serves as a potent reminder of the importance of continually assessing and refining the sources and algorithms that power our digital assistants.

This incident serves as a potent reminder that when it comes to elections they will be assessing and refining the official narrative and it will never be allowed to be questioned by you or Alexa.

*As a personal side note I do not feel the election was stolen. I am of the opinion it was rigged, and it was rigged by both sides.

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