in deeponion •  6 years ago 

Good evening gentlemen, if there is something very exciting is astronomy and another thing that is also exciting, it is mathematics; if both sciences are combined, the problem becomes even more exciting, do not you think? From the ancient civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Hebrews, China, Greece, etc.) it used to be combined. If it already happened in antiquity, it is logical that throughout the development of humanity this binomial has been strengthened; With the passage of time, Astronomy and Mathematics inevitably became intertwined.

From Astronomy we take Asterisms and Mathematical Algorithms and we make a romantic cross between both sets, which takes us to an unprecedented journey that leads us to dream and think. Come on! Let's get closer to the vehicle that will take us to the past, to the present and to the future; the controllers are Asterisms and Algorithms. What will be our destiny?

An asterism is a set of stars in the sky that have the particularity of giving shape to an arbitrary figure. That is to say; some stars, seen from the Earth, seem to represent an exclusive figure based on a geometric figure. In another order of ideas, the stars that form an Asterism seem to have a special arrangement or alignment in geometric form in such a way that they form a figure that is easy to remember. The asterisms have received names both in past epochs (historical asterisms) and in the present (asterisms of the seasons). Examples: in the past there was an Asterism called "The Bee" (created in 1603 and eliminated in 1922), in the present there is an Asterism called "Virgo Diamond", which can be observed in the Northern Hemisphere during the spring season and has a geometric shape of diamond.

An algorithm is a set of operations that allow finding the solution of a problem, these operations must be ordered and be finite. Then, an Algorithm is a sequence of applicable instructions to solve any problem, that is, problems. Problems that generally occur both in the field of mathematics, as in logic, in computer science and related disciplines. In other words, an Algorithm is a prescribed set of well-defined, ordered and finite instructions or rules that allows an activity to be carried out through successive steps that do not raise doubts about who should perform this activity. That is, an algorithm is the methodology to solve a problem.

According to the story, Alexander the Great and Christopher Columbus used to look at the stars carefully and each in his own way dreamed and thought. They dreamed with seriousness and thought with integrity. Each of them wanted to have their own firmament ... they dreamed, they wanted to solve a big problem ... they thought. Alejandro and Cristóbal, each one must have created their own Asterism that led them to dream for an ideal with firm purposes; but at the same time they had to have drawn up their own perfect plan, they had to have thought of a set of operations that would lead them to solve the problem that arose (they created their own algorithm, to put it in other words, although the term as such did not exist neither times of one nor the other). In other words, they dreamed of the strength of the stars of the universe and thought with the intelligence of the future that reached them in their time. Alejandro and Cristóbal traveled with Asterismos and Algoritmos. Alejandro's journey and Cristobal's journey arrived to create empires.

Now let's leave aside history, the past and the return to the present, but dreaming and thinking about the future. Let's continue our journey, we already know that we have an Asterism as a strong dream and with an Algorithm as a firm thought. Let's look at the sky, put together five stars (there is no bad fifth!) To create our own asterism in the shape of a pentagon, giving shape to an "onion"; Now it's about firmly creating our own algorithm, what could it be? The most appropriate, which allows us to preview the pros and cons; You have to create it, design it with great caution and intelligence. Always thinking about the future, to give a solution from now on to the problems we might have. Do not stay in the past, live the present thinking that our future will be magnificent, we will achieve it as long as we have a dream that to make it real we will have to put our best effort, day after day, working in the DeepOnion community. The great work of today, the one that takes us along the edges of the good road, and the one that will be opened by the algorithm we adopt; It will allow us to reach the stars of our Asterism to create our own empire.

I invite you friends to work, to dream and to think about a better future, for this we have to be part of the Onion Community and work hard and daily to continue improving, strengthening and always seeing new ideas because DeepOnion will be the best in the cryptographic market , something smart would be to invest in this sublime currency for its multiple and overwhelming functions, you can discover them by entering here you will not regret it. I am sure that the creators of this cryptocurrency, of this greedy project, looked at the stars and did not think about how distant they are but about the possibility of achieving them as Alejandro Magno and Christopher Columbus once thought and made possible... think big.

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