in deeponion •  7 years ago 

When a comparison of a thing or issue with itself is established considering time as a key point of comparative action, several determining factors must be taken into account. Basically this set of factors are concatenated and that is how the comparison is possible. To continue in this opening of ideas that seek to compare the economy with itself in time, let us take the clock as an example; using an example like this will allow us to give a better explanation of what we want to achieve, which is nothing more than giving a comparative approach between the current economy and the future economy.

Although the object we have selected, the clock, is closely related to time, we want to state that it was not intended to try to make the subject more complex; quite the contrary, rather it will allow us to facilitate things for when we are deep in the matter that concerns us the present writing. Comparing an old clock with one of the present will allow us to analyze more thoroughly what we essentially intend to do here. It can be something else, for example, the car or the cell phone; but we prefer the watch because it fits our goal.

The clock, as an instrument used to measure time, was invented in antiquity by the Egyptians; they used a vertical rod adjusted to a horizontal plane, in this way they gave way to the sundial. The water clock was also invented in ancient Egypt. Even at that time you got to know the air clock. But the one that is more in the memory of the humanity is the sundial, then it could be said that the one of sun is the father of the clocks. With time they went knowing other models of watches, more and more perfected; In this way we can mention the hourglass, the one with weights and wheels, and a long time later the archetype of the first clock built on principles of mechanics would come, approximately in the year of 1326. And the time and idea continued and advanced to go perfecting the clock never took the man out of his mind and wit. Getting to create the clock that we know today has been an arduous work that has taken a long time, practically with the sole purpose of seeking "the greatest possible precision" when measuring time. So much so that in the United States during the year 1999 the atomic clock was launched, with which it has been possible to achieve the highest precision so far; it is so accurate that it has a margin of error of only one second every 30 million years. How will the clocks of the future be?

The economy appears in Antiquity, specifically in the times of the great Greek philosophers: Plato and Aristotle. The latter was the one who most approached the economic issue, together with a group of collaborators, thinkers of the time, wrote a book (Oeconomicus); there he raised some distinctions related to trade, established differences between licit trade and incorrect trade, his topics served as a basis for establishing economic science. For Aristotle, economics is "the science that deals with the way in which resources are administered or the use of existing resources, in order to meet the needs of people and human groups."

Then came the Middle Ages, with it there were notable advances in economic matters, during this period of time emerged new schools of economic thought, such as mercantilism. Also the students or thinkers of the medieval time stood out, one of them was Nicolás de Oresme, who considered to the beneficial commerce and legal source for the profit obtaining, but it subordinated it to the interest of the State and the governors, and to the moral. In relation to the currency, this remarkable author condemned the falsification of the same for the obtaining of gains. We can realize that what Nicolás de Oresme proposed in a certain way is still in force today. It is also worth noting the proposals of another prodigious economist of Arab origin, we refer to Ibn Khaldun, whose economic treatises are many; among them we must highlight the following aspects: work and value, demand, cost, prices and their independence, wealth as a social and not individual product, money not as a synonym of wealth, classes of occupations, phases of economic development, dependency relations between the countryside and the city, arts and crafts, the importance of the State within the economy and the consequences of the lack of this, luxury, natural and normal needs. He also considered aspects of public finances, such as tax rates, the distribution of taxes, the social expenditures of state services, a government as a buyer of goods and services, and the effects of State expenditures on income and income. of taxes. Undoubtedly a great driver of the ideas of economics that are handled today.

Then came the Modern Age, brought with it several schools of economic thought and was covered by many authors. All this range of knowledge and knowledge is what allows to determine the economy as a social science. Which is based on three main aspects: 1) The extraction, production, exchange, distribution and consumption of goods and services. 2) The way or means of satisfying human needs through limited resources. And 3) The way in which people and societies survive, thrive and function. Supported by these 3 pillars, it is deduced that the base that studies is how a society is organized to produce its means of existence that, distributed among its members and consumed by them, allow society to produce them again and again, thus providing a constant renewed form, the material basis for all the reproduction of society in time. Beyond the focus on economic processes (extraction, transformation, production, distribution and consumption), economic analysis has been applied to companies, finance, medical care and government; The latter makes the economy look like a clock in the sense of looking "as precisely as possible" when it comes to managing goods and services effectively and reasonably, since the development of people depends on their actions.

Then we see how the economy is closely related to the mechanism of a precise clock; but in the economy, the mechanism is the state policy that characterizes the nation that has set it in motion, maintaining a great relationship in the game of subordinating itself to the support of other allied nations and overcoming the disapproval or opposition of the rival nations. they do, I do not agree with this state policy. At first glance, we can see how the current economy depends on a confrontation, an antagonism that marks the "economic tic" that distinguishes or characterizes a particular country or state. Therefore, the question also comes in those countries where its economy does not advance because it does not have the support of a friendly country or has been affected by interventions from an adversary country, would it be worth continuing with that current economic model? The answer is very simple, "no".

The economic turn of 180 degrees will be essential, we must look for another model that leads to the demands of the population to meet their needs. The important thing is that this new economic prototype is just around the corner. Born recently, was born to succeed, is the incredible strength that shows the powerful DeepOnion and its strong community. Every day the people who place their trust in this cryptocurrency increase, it has also been seen that many nations have implemented state policies that allow their inhabitants to venture into this new economic world. If we continue talking about the benefits and benefits offered by DeepOnion, the current wording would be very long. We leave our readers with the concern to investigate more about this wonderful new world that implies the search for a new economy that is in the XXI century and in the times to come. An economy that has good vibes, that makes its progressive sound "tic-tac" with a delicate harmony. So: What will be the economy of the future?

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"Time is money". Too often I heard this phrase. Time will show us this later :)