DeepOnion is here!

in deeponion •  7 years ago 



We are almost done! After a long road, we are near the end of the Airdrops in DeepOnion. There are only 9 upcoming Airdrops left and I have to say it, but I'm really excited to finally see a complete and successful distribution. I can still remember the days I joined, believe me the change is incredible. Please, don't miss this opportunity, you still have time to join whenever you want, you will be welcome.

On the other hand, it seems that we have survived a very difficult month in the Community. Bitcoin went through a difficult time and, as everyone knows, all the altcoins suffer a fall too. Many theories and predictions became viral and I think most of us now only have in mind now, Cryptocurrencies are here to stay and it was only the correction of the expected (Veterans know what I'm talking about).

Speaking of DeepOnion in general, I see that a lot of people are worried about what will happen after the Airdrops. I'm sorry to say that if you are a fan of conspiracies, you will be disappointed because I have never seen DeepOnion more determined than these days. Our Developers and Moderators are always working for the platform, so don't expect another future than one in which we succeed.

Currently, I'm testing with other moderators the new VoteCentral to come. The truth is that I'm anxious to see it in the Community. Many people on the Team and in the Community have very good ideas in mind, but we can't do without the opinion of each one of our members.

Remember, the idea of VoteCentral is each of the DeepOnion users will have a vote and the possibility to submit proposals. I have read very good ideas and suggestions about what we can do for DeepOnion and the truth that nothing better than seeing what happens if the community participate in the decision. Don't forget that we have 3 million Onions in our Development Fund, so I think we can propose thousands of things in the future, there are many projects that haven't planned the future like us and believe me, some of them want our situation so much. our resources to begin the expansion of the platform are solid.

And by the way, our Tasks will be as always with us. Don't underestimate the power of having people organized and united as a Community to expand and invite all people to join.

...Also don't forget that there are many things to come ... I get tired on our Telegram to tell you all the time everything that is happening. New plugins, Android Wallet, DeepSend is already part of the developments and sooner than ever, Stealth Address will be a reality for DeepOnion. And I will stop here because I can write dozens of things to come .. and without counting the many proposals that we will have in VoteCentral.

Thanks to those who have taken the time to read these words and I assure you, the best is yet to come.



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Fantastic news!

Nice update, let's keep the news rolling!

It's great, and if many people are worried about seeing when the Airdrops end and what they do not know is that the good is coming! DeepOnion is the most complete project in cryptocurrencies and their team is unique, they never rest and are always working on many more updates. Thank you very much for your excellent article.