RE: The Deep-State Pivot: The Russian Narrative Fails, Let's Try Civil War

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The Deep-State Pivot: The Russian Narrative Fails, Let's Try Civil War

in deepstate •  8 years ago 

Chalidore, you're so chock full of controlled-press talking points that I'm afraid it'd be pointless to try to drag you back out of your twilight-zone echo chamber, so I'll be brief so that we don't waste one another's time. . .

Fields was a member of no organization, according to the organizations themselves. You can continue to trust the same press that promised us a Hillary victory via hundreds of completely false push-polls, the same swamp media that has lured us into military adventure after military adventure to enrich those who fund/control them, the same swamp media that has tried every last trick in the bag to dislodge a president that has proven to be their worst nightmare, dismantling the edifice of DC corruption brick by brick. . but pardon me if I approach them with some skepticism, and don't allow them to 'call the tune' with regards to how we should think and feel as a nation. Its very clear they have an agenda to push, and you're one of the few I've met recently that doesn't yet seem to recognize this.

To deny how this president has revitalized an economy after a predecessor that literally doubled our nat'l debt in a mere 8 years (think of this. . . seriously. . ) is just lunacy, even your friends at CNN are forced to recognize this and pay the facts limited lip service here. With regards to erasing our history to force our culture towards cultural marxist chaos, yes, I'm opposed to it. Nearly every founding father was a slave owner. . . Lincoln, Jefferson, Washington, all have stunningly racist quotes, and were men (unlike Trump) who truly believed the races differed on a genetic level to such an extent as to be completely incompatible to live together. If you think this ends with the tearing down of a few confederate statues, you're completely delusional. This is a power play, transparent to those with open eyes, to pull our nation to the left. . and those who have hated Trump and the downtrodden middle class he represents embrace these narratives unconditionally and step forward to champion them, should be recognize for who they are: Either immensely gullible individuals incapable of recognizing an attempted coup when they see one, or knowing purveyors of culture/order destroying cultural-marxist chaos, quite literally threatening to throw our nation back into open civil/race war.

I disagree with your identity politics. Trump seeks to unite people under the flag, the left seems to want people to look down, recognize their skin color, and act accordingly. . . and irony of ironies, you people call the right 'racist'. I couldn't be more disgusted by your tactics.

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I understand what motivates the press. Don't assume to know what my experiences are or where I get my information. If you don't trust USA Today or The New York Times, I can find you plenty of reputable independent citizen investigative journalists, people with proven track records of accuracy and impartiality. Take Philip DeFranco, for example. Here we have someone with millions of views and subscribers, and he has taken plenty of heat from folks both on the left and right. His impartiality is actually so solid that nobody has yet determined how he votes or what party he is in, if any at all. I don't agree with everything he says. A lot of liberals think he is impartial to the point of being a racist apologist. I will post his video here, and hopefully you will watch it. He packs more information into 12 minutes than I could get across spending hours typing you a manifesto.

The videos and photos don't lie. This was a terrorist attack by a white supremacist. If you find yourself providing cover for a Nazi terrorist, you really need to ask some hard questions about exactly what flag you are loyal to.


If you would like to know more about my history, please read this blog entry. If nothing else, it will provide significant insight into who you are debating and what brought me to where I am now.

I happen to respect DeFranco, even if I don't always agree. . one of the most objective voices in the public eye (no doubt soon to be censored by YouTube, as so many on the right have been, the moment he refuses to stay within their PC bounds).

The more I examine what occurred in Charlotte, objectively, the more angry I become. It seems a demonstration was planned to protect a statute many felt shouldn't be torn down, the vast majority of whom weren't racist or hateful. Suddenly, people were bus'ed in (, with 'Vice' in tow to make sure to capture it all in high definition, and the mass media plays this video on loop, non stop, fear-mongering and mischaracterizing and exaggerating, with a healthy scoop of outright fabrications. The reasoning behind all of this is obvious to me, there's a cabal that wants our President terminated, no matter the means or methods, no matter the cost, and the press is certainly marching in lockstep.

Nothing about this smells right to me. Nobody I know would ever support a plowing a car into a crowd. . . no sane, decent person would. Yet, the effort to associate this action to everyone in attendance, and then taking the further leap to associate this action with everyone on the 'alt right', and many are now taking the further leap of associating the act with all Conservatives/Christians. . . this all seems so transparent.

YouTube, Facebook, and other social media are cracking down on known Nazi and Confederate propagandists because there was a terrorist attack by a white supremacist. DeFranco isn't going to get banned, because he is not a propagandist for Nazis and Klansmen.
There have been many acts of violence committed by people parroting the words of the alt-right movement, even several murders. Here is a list.

What makes this one stand out is that James Alex Fields was an active member of Vanguard America. This is the first time an attack like this has occurred without there being at least one degree of separation between the murderer and actual alt-right organizers. That dynamic now puts the actions of folks like Jeremy Christian and Adam Purinton into clearer perspective, and the public is reacting appropriately.

"YouTube, Facebook, and other social media are cracking down on known Nazi and Confederate propagandists "

Ok, our discussion ends here. If you can't recognize that thousands of individuals with moderate conservative viewpoints are being blocked, 'ghost-banned', demonetized and buried with newly created algorithms, you're either not bothering to do the most rudimentary homework, or you're a purposeful liar.

Even DeFranco has had issues (and mentioned them repeatedly), as has Jordan Peterson, a former professor whos only offense was refusing to refer to his students by the 67+ new gender pronouns. . even PewDiePie, for god's sake.

It's one of the major reasons those on the right are so uncomfortable, we see the largest and more powerful corporations using advanced technology to squelch (or eliminate) our viewpoints. People are leaving google, facebook, twitter and reddit in droves for just this reason.

I'm sorry, you're off the deep end. I'm done wasting both of our time. I'm convinced you're 'Shareblue' or 'Correct the Record' or one of those other groups that gets paid to do this, I've never met anyone in day to day life that holds such ignorant, loony beliefs.

I wish someone paid me to blog and troll Nazis. I guess that's the cool thing about steemit. If you want to know why I'm a Democrat, please read this blog entry.

I'm a veteran, a family man, and an independent entrepreneur. I am a capitalist, a Christian, and a law-abiding citizen. If those facts do not shatter your ignorant assumptions about me, please continue to make an effort to learn more. I understand how frustrating and painful it is to pry open your third eye. It took me years. Don't give up on me. We'll get through this.

Wow, that link. You are a loathsome propagandist.

I encourage anyone reading this to RESEARCH THE FACTS behind the incidents included in the link he provided in an effort to show the violence of far right white nationalism.

Nearly every last incident on the list has been since disproven, or was committed by a non-white individual, or Bernie/Hillary supporters. I'm not sure you should be lumping these individuals in with this supposed alt-right white nationalist terrorist scourge you so want to presume exists.

What you're doing here is disgusting. . these are bald-faced lies, I'm at a loss as to how you sleep at night.

I need a shower.

I live in Portland. I knew one of the people Jeremy Christian murdered. Tell the family to their faces that their son was fake news.


'I claim to know one person involved in an attack on Muslims by a deranged Bernie supporter, thus your arguments are invalid'. Nearly 20 dead and approximately 80 injured in yet another attack by a radical Muslim in Europe, of which you'll express no moral outrage or self-righteous sermonizing.

You're a loathsome propagandist, this all feels dirty, and I'm not saying another word to you. You disgust me.

Jeremy Christian was a Trump supporter. Everyone living in reality knows that. Several people are comparing the terrorist attacks in France to the terrorist attacks in Charlottesville.


The moral equivalency statement I would expect from a competent POTUS would be comparing Nazi terrorists to ISIS terrorists, but he chose instead to compare them to the counter-demonstrators who were there to speak out against racism. That is why he is catching hell from everyone except for the white supremacists at the core of his base right now.

And one final post, just to prove definitively what a dishonest and smarmy individual you are.

For anyone still reading, I'm glad Calidore attempting to sabotage this thread, as he provides a perfect example of the knowingly dishonest narratives being pushed by 'correct the record' and 'shareblue' type organizations, literally paid money to distort reality to score political points.

You're an ignoble and base creature. As far as I'm concerned, when Antifa or BLM murder more innocents in the streets, you'll have a portion of this blood on your hands and soul for providing cover. And for what? Selling out your nation and your children's future for a small hourly wage. Revolting.

Yes, tell me otherwise, I won't believe a word of it any longer, after reading more of your 'work'. Nobody is this ignorant or echo-chambered. This is willful.

The fact that willfully dishonest individuals like you exist lights a fire in me like you wouldn't believe. Your time is coming. This nation is waking.