RE: The Deep-State Pivot: The Russian Narrative Fails, Let's Try Civil War

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The Deep-State Pivot: The Russian Narrative Fails, Let's Try Civil War

in deepstate •  8 years ago 

"YouTube, Facebook, and other social media are cracking down on known Nazi and Confederate propagandists "

Ok, our discussion ends here. If you can't recognize that thousands of individuals with moderate conservative viewpoints are being blocked, 'ghost-banned', demonetized and buried with newly created algorithms, you're either not bothering to do the most rudimentary homework, or you're a purposeful liar.

Even DeFranco has had issues (and mentioned them repeatedly), as has Jordan Peterson, a former professor whos only offense was refusing to refer to his students by the 67+ new gender pronouns. . even PewDiePie, for god's sake.

It's one of the major reasons those on the right are so uncomfortable, we see the largest and more powerful corporations using advanced technology to squelch (or eliminate) our viewpoints. People are leaving google, facebook, twitter and reddit in droves for just this reason.

I'm sorry, you're off the deep end. I'm done wasting both of our time. I'm convinced you're 'Shareblue' or 'Correct the Record' or one of those other groups that gets paid to do this, I've never met anyone in day to day life that holds such ignorant, loony beliefs.

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I wish someone paid me to blog and troll Nazis. I guess that's the cool thing about steemit. If you want to know why I'm a Democrat, please read this blog entry.

I'm a veteran, a family man, and an independent entrepreneur. I am a capitalist, a Christian, and a law-abiding citizen. If those facts do not shatter your ignorant assumptions about me, please continue to make an effort to learn more. I understand how frustrating and painful it is to pry open your third eye. It took me years. Don't give up on me. We'll get through this.