What Are They Hiding In Antarctica?

in deepstate •  6 years ago  (edited)


Yes, what are they hiding? Could they be hiding the handywork of God? As it is written, The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. From Psalm 19:1.

I believe they are hiding the firmament and in hiding the handywork of God, they are trying to hide God. There is another scripture that explains the firmament a little better. As it is written, Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass? Job 37:18.

What did Admiral Byrd see in Antarctica? He was on a TV show some time in the 1950's called, LONGINES CHRONOSCOPE talking about land as big as the United States with vast riches of oil, coal and minerals.

Well with a firmament or a dome you would have to have the earth flat. Well that is what people believed a thousand years ago, that the earth was flat with a firmament.

It wasn't until Nicolaus Copernicus that was born February 19, 1473 and died May 24, 1543 that they believed that the earth was a globe. Of course he could not prove that. Some believed him to be a freemason.

Well, when I was a kid we had globes in the school. Almost every time I seen a movie they show an earth as a globe with an airplane flying around it. What was that? That was indoctrination. They were putting their beliefs on me as a kid.

They told us that the center of the earth was a core, yet had anyone even dug to the center of the earth to find out? As far as I know, men can only drill about 8 miles down before the drill bit stops going any further. Again they put their beliefs on us.

I have my own set of beliefs. I believe the scripture. Yes, the scripture supports a flat earth with a firmament. So let me put aside what "they" want me to believe and I will believe God.

It was Admiral Bryd that went to Antarctica 5 times in his life. He took his last exploratory flight over what they call the south pole on January 8, 1956. He died on March 3, 1957. Some think he got murdered. What did he know?

I think he found the edges of the firmament or what others might call the dome. It is this firmament or dome that holds in our atmosphere. It also holds the sun, moon and stars as described in Genesis 1:16-17.

How do we know he found the edges of the dome or firmament? Well, men in airplanes on his expedition ran into invisible barriers. The invisible barrier they flied into was the edges of the firmament. Some people like to call it a dome.

You see if people knew that there was a firmament then God's word is true. Well, God's word is always true, but the mainstream news media won't cover it. Why? Cause the agenda is to hide God.

Notice how Admiral Bird died in 1957 and NASA was created in 1958. Did you know that NASA was created by Satanist? Of course Satanist wouldn't want you to believe the scriptures, would they?

Of course we could get into all the lies that NASA tells us, but maybe that is another blog.

Also, they have this Antarctica treaty where no one can explore Antarctica on their own. Why? Cause they don't want you to find the edges of the dome or firmament.

If a group of people did want to go there on their own, then the military would just shoot them. They don't want you to find the edges of the dome. The deep state need to keep the handywork of God which is the firmament, a secret.

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

If a group of people did want to go there on there own, then the military would just shoot them.
It should be their own instead of there own.

Thank you @grammarnazi! I went and changed it.

Thats interesting! I have never thought about it. Will do more research about the topic. I have always thought that it is an alien base like area 51.

Yes, do check it out. Thank you @hanen!

Interesante o que escribes, me hace cuestionar algo.

Yes, questions are good. Thank you @manuelnoya!