躺賺神器!😍 咩係Defi? 究竟點樣用Defi賺錢?

in defi •  4 years ago 

DeFi = 基於智能合約平台(例如以太坊)構建嘅加密資產、金融類智能合約以及協議。這些資產、智能合約以及協議能夠好似 Lego 咁樣組合起黎。

有了基本嘅 Lego,每個人都可以根據自己嘅需求組裝。DeFi 中嘅智能合約都係咁樣。通過各種不同的資產、合約以及協議,可以組裝出新嘅項目,給用戶提供新嘅產品同服務。

例如:Compound 係基於以太坊嘅借貸市場。響這呢個市場上,可以借貸 ETH,也可以借貸由 MakerDAO 生成嘅穩定幣Dai。

🔗 了解更多: https://bixin.com/hk

【What's DeFi? Come and earn passive income with DeFi!】

DeFi = Short for decentralized finance, DeFi is an umbrella term for a variety of applications and projects in the public blockchain space geared toward disrupting the traditional finance world.

Inspired by blockchain technology, DeFi is referred to as financial applications built on blockchain technologies, typically using smart contracts. Smart contracts are automated enforceable agreements that do not need intermediaries to execute and can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection. Therefore, it is also called Crypto Lego.

For example, Compound is a lending protocol based on Ethereum Smart Contract. Users can also borrow assets from Compound, but are required to post collateral (like Dai) to increase their maximum Borrowing Power.

🔗 See more here: https://bixin.com/hk

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