PLUTUSVC is a Next Gen innovation venture fund that believes in supporting entrepreneurs to create the NEXT BIG THING. PLUTUSVC strongly believes blockchain technologies are the future and is highly disruptive to the existing technology and finance industry.
PLUTUS invests in Seed, Angel, A-rounds and Pre-IDO phases for tokens and equity with an investment size of up to 5 million or more. An average minimum of 3 investments each month makes PLUTUSVC one of the most active funds in town. Recent investments include Impossible (IDIA), Polka Fantasy, Refinable, Splinterland, Glimpse, and others.
About Creator
Creator is a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) that provides No Code Smart Contract, Low Code DApp, and other services. Creator’s chain is based on the Polkadot/Substrate which provides true interoperability, user-driven network governance and customizations that focus on Defi and Smart Contract.
Creator’s Blockchain features shall broaden the gate for every game studio and developer to enter the gamified NFT and Blockchain industry.
About This Partnership
This additional funding will be used to develop our team and expedite our product roadmap in order to provide simpler access to Defi and NFT technology for our end-users. In the short term, we’re focused on building Blockchain and NFT, as well as a highly liquid CTR token and a strong Creator ecosystem, among others.
Find out more about Creator:
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