Computer graphics is the field of computer-assisted digital image creation. This activity is related to graphic arts. The most common studies go through public or private schools, mainly in England, Belgium, Canada, France, and the United States.
When introducing the concept into the French language around the 1970s, the term "computer graphics" refers to graphics produced by computer. Then, by confusion over the meaning of the prefix "info-" (computer / information), the term infographic is used by some in the sense of diagram, cartography and any type of explanatory diagram intended to image information, including statistics or geography . However, the concept of computer graphics designates in French all the graphics produced by computer means, while in English, infographics means graphic information. So it's a fake friend.
More specifically, diagrams, maps and diagrams used as illustration of articles are referred to as "press infographics".
The computer graphics also includes the techniques of finalizing the work of the graphic artist using the computer tool: photographic retouching, comic strip coloring, dressing architectural perspectives, etc. This job was born with the advent of computer science; it is the continuity of graphic design in all its previous forms.
Photoshop is the best program designer graphic.
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