RE: Delegation Committee First Communication

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Delegation Committee First Communication

in delegationapp •  6 years ago 

This is obviously a cultural thing. In England we do not pay to apply for things

Okay here is another example from your own culture. UK charges a non-refundable application fee for visa applications.

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Aha touche! You got me there :-) Kind of... lol

The difference with a Visa app, is that it is an official document pertaining to immigration, and as such all countries charge for those.

As far as I'm aware in the UK there is no comparable example whereby you have to pay to apply for something within the private or even public sector. If you apply for a job, grant, loan, university it is all free, any fees you may incur come after your successful application.

I look forward to you proving me wrong again though! :-)


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I'm not going to search for it. Maybe there is, maybe there isn't. I'm sure your original point about it varying in different cultures is true. I do know that if I were volunteering to evaluate potentially-complicated applications for something, particularly something where the applicant clearly has something of obvious value to gain, and a lot of people with low-quality applications might just take a shot because why not, I'd want some sort of fee attached to it, but that's just me.

I get it, and the last thing you want is to get multi-spammed after all those delegations have to be looked at one by one and the team is not massive...

It's been great having this little chat, and I have been somewhat swayed as to the need for an application fee, just a smaller one is all.

We've had little disagreements in the past, but I've always found you fair and unlike some in your position, you are open to debate and different points of view from your own.

Always refreshing!

...and thanks for the non-ghosting vote, I am embroiled in the #butthurtwars at the mo. Just a bit of fun, standing up to a bully :-)

Anyway thanks again and can't wait to lock horns again! :-D


just a smaller one

I believe the team has posted smaller fees for the lower tiers, so perhaps that will help mitigate your concerns somewhat.

Likewise thank you for the discussion.