The ongoing case of Grandma B & Peter Hofschroer - "When they're not abusing children, they're robbing and murdering the elderly" -

in dementia-fraud •  7 years ago 

And just when you thought the UK couldn't get any worse, I start writing about one of the worse cases of corruption that you will ever hear...

1 parent dead and the other trapped in a care-home in North Yorkshire. And if that isn't enough to start us off, the only son trying to help, is now being held captive in a mental institute in Austria for an indefinite period...

If you are not in the mood for such a long read, you can scroll to the bottom of the page and listen to the complete story from the victim himself, via a radio interview recorded just 3 months ago


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I have recently discovered that dementia fraud is on the rise and what I have just listened to confirms that this is all down to the cooperation of every government agency, both in the UK and abroad.

In this particular case, we are dealing with conspirators from the UK police force, the Social services(of coarse), the courts, the judges, Councillors, charities and god knows who else. My god, this story even has links to Sir Jimmy Savile! But why should that shock us all? Are you still not convinced there is an international paedophile ring and that it operates at the highest levels of our own establishment?!

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This story will also go on to show, that our government agents are recruiting other secret agents that you would never suspect. Not unless you were very close, let's say a brother perhaps... Because who else would suspect someone who is deaf and is also the figurehead and director of the York and district deaf society? And especially, when he is backed up by the North Yorkshire police force.

North Yorkshire Police force would LATER be found out to have conspired with Jimmy Savile and facilitated the unrestricted access he had to his vulnerable victims. Please bare that in mind when reading about the agents Peter is accusing of terrorising and asset-stripping his parents...
(Oh sorry, mustn't forget, it's SIR Jimmy Savile).


So this story begins with a man and a women, falling in love...


Peter's father was a prisoner of war and in the 1930's, after being brought back to the UK, was made to work a farm. Barbara(Grandma B) was also farm-worker at the time and they fell in love the first moment they clapped eyes on one-another.

After falling in love, they eventually settled down to start a family in the UK.

The fruits of this marriage came in the form of two brothers, Peter & Terry(Not real name). Unfortunately, Terry was deaf and had always been so. Peter recounts a very telling memory, about a family moment in which he recalls his young-brother in tears, because of his condition. Peter mentions that there was always a sense of jealousy from his brother, but nothing that he thought would ever develop into anything serious.
He does point out in the radio interview, that because of his brother disability, he was sent to a boarding school for kids with special needs and didn't grow up in the family-home in the same way as Peter.

Nevertheless, both brothers entered adulthood with all the tools a good set of parents could ever pass on. The family were not rich and the boys were now set to fend for themselves. It was at this point where Peter noticed that his brother may still hold the same grudges against him. Although Peter still thought this was all harmless, he did take a mental note of some of the more extreme examples of Terry's behaviour. Things progressively worsened once Peter's career began to take off. With his brother always seeming to struggle for full-time work, due to his disability, his jealousy would begin to show its true potential and that's were things get as twisted as Terry's mind has now become.


Peter Insists he holds no grudges against Terry, even after all his brother has done to him, which includes crossing the boarder to Austria and directing a UK task force in the kidnap of Grandma B, assaulting them both, causing the death of their father and then screaming at his corpse, when visiting the family home, apparently in mourning. A series of other devious tricks and viscous attacks would follow and all just to get at the wealth of Grandma B...

But maybe we should consider that for Terry, it was also about climbing the greasy ladders of the inner-governmental fraternities and not just for cash? And as for Terry's accomplices, well the government are hardly going to miss what was probably about £500,000. So why all the assistance from 'Big-Brother' and why all the violence and cover-ups to make it happen? It isn't as if Peter and Barbara had that much wealth in the first place, so to think that what you are about to hear has been done for a few hundred thousand pounds, think again...The government have an agenda to asset strip anyone they can and they will also use anyone they can to get the job done. But I refuse to believe this is about money. It can't be, because why would you spend more on resources to retrieve a debt, than the debt is actually worth? For the government this is about more than money, this is about taking everything we own and never ever letting us have it back. They want us to own nothing and then they will say we are all equal. Equally poor is still equal, I suppose, but not exactly what the voters had in mind...
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Terry's job was to assist in the covert agenda, to asset-strip the vulnerable
(Usually the elderly and disabled).
His reward was position and status, with lashings of power to feed his jealous-hunger for revenge. Something the authorities would have been no-doubt aware of, due to his long hours spent with councilors who would have been involved in working with the deaf society.
I also suspect that he would have been psychologically profiled many times, whilst at boarding school and those reports will now give vital clues to the strength of mind this man had.
More to the point it gave the authorities a signal, that if they ever needed a hand in orchestrating a cover-up, they had just the man for the job...

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Now because of this hypothesis, I also think that without this case ever coming about, Peter's brother would have still been used for some kind of "task" or another. The secret services love folk like this and how easy it is to play with their minds and influence what they do.
Some of you may be familiar with the term MK ultra and the methods that are used by the secret services, in order to gain complete control over another human being.

This ritualistic and sometimes purposely traumatic type of mental abuse, is part of the way the system works. Some call in Satanic, but I just believe they are all just bonkers at the top. Too much caviar maybe? I mean it isn't too far fetched to think that once compromised by a mental weakness, or by some form of blackmail, you are then a part of the mafia and your debt to the Don is eternal.

Psychopaths are known to be great manipulators and it does appear that we are living in a world in their own image. Maybe they get most high-ranking police officers and councilors, by the use of some form of "honey-trap" and a 2-way mirror? The secret services won't have to try too hard to break these weak-minded folk.
Those that are working within the social services and have chose to act honourably are too easily silenced, persecuted, or put under so much pressure they commit career suicide. The amount of Social workers and council staff that have had time off for stress must be astronomical, in comparison to most other industries. I know I couldn't survive in an environment like that, could you?

Now before I drag us all way off-coarse and digress into the deeper agenda around this case, lets refocus on the task in hand and allow me to make sure you all have a good overview before listening to the full interview.

So I was saying that Terry had been employed to run the York deaf society and I would like to add that he had very little to do with either of his parents(lucky for them).
Peter was also doing well in his own career, working and living abroad. It was around this time when Peter went back to the UK to visit his parents. It was at this point when Peter realised that his parents had been left to fend for themselves and admitted to himself that neither were capable of living without any assistance. At this point Peter decided to take on the responsibility and move into help his Mother and Father.

This new arrangement obviously got in the way of Terry's and the authorities agendas and all pretenses were now dropped. This became clear when Terry dropped round and because of previous abusive behaviour it was clear it was not for a friendly chat. While Peter was on the phone to the police, reporting his brothers breach of the peace, Peter's Niece was recorded shouting through the letter box,
"Open this Fucking door!".
According to Peter this was too much for their Dad to take and just days after this incident he was re-admitted to hospital. His condition rapidly worsened and he passed away.
As I explained earlier, even as their dad lay in his coffin, there was still time for Terry to vent verbal expletives at the corpse.

I agree completely with the psychologists review of Terry, when they stated that he was mentally unstable, dangerous and involved in satanic abuse.
Terry is a pawn, used by the government, and Peter knows this and it is exactly why he holds no grudge towards his brother.
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The moment when Peter made the call to the police, is the point were things began to escalate dramatically and all of the grubs began to come out of the furniture...
As Peter states in the interview, it was almost immediately after his complaint about his brother was made, that the police began harassing Peter!
Creating false cases against him and all-the-while allowing Terry to stalk and terrorize his own family.

Peter and his mother made the decision to go away on holiday to Austria and get out of the way, hoping things would calm down by the time they returned.

This was after months of harassment from

  • Terry,
  • Terry's immediate family
  • North Yorkshire police
  • And North Yorkshire council staff

I believe that many more enigmatic dark sources will be on this list too and the day their names are exposed, will be the day we begin to break down this cabal of demons.

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Sleeping with the enemy

I now firmly believe that the MK-Ultra model is employed in our society, much more than we give it credit for. With a dozen of these zombies you can terrorize a town of citizens, but with thousands of them, all trained to lack any moral compass, you could infiltrate the very fabric of society and poison the system from within. This is exactly what I believe has been done to us and these Zombie-soldiers are being plucked from all walks of life.

The elites do not seem to have much prejudice when it comes to this custom of sacrificing the minds of the young, in order to serve a bigger purpose. Maybe they feel honoured to offer up their own children to these monsters?

Not convinced that they are selecting these slaves from all parts of society? I'm not going to argue the point of how they feast on the children of the poor and vulnerable, stealing thousands of children every month from Skid Row. But I will stand by my claim that they offer up their own children for this "satanic" cause. These lost children, whatever tree they fall from, do the bidding of their masters and for the most part they do it without ever being aware of any manipulation.

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It is stated in "The Art of War" that you must always reward your troops when victory is gained. This is why you hear so much about looting villages after an army has gained control. It is commonly known as "the spoils of war". This is done for a reason and part of that reason is to keep your troops loyal, while carrying out the most illogical and immoral acts.
This ancient guide to conquering ones foe, also instruct its reader to divide its enemy, attack without over-extending oneself and most interestingly, to feign weakness where you are actually strong and appear strongest where one is actually weak...

Now when you apply this to today's society and you consider the people to be the "enemy" and the state to be the reader of this guide, you begin to find a lot of very scary parallels. Our social services do certainly seem to be the weakest part of the system and with most "sheeple" considering that the state and the people are one, this then serves to be the weak point, of both the enemy and its opponent. They are feigning weakness and they are attacking our/their weakest points. When the next cross-boarder murder happens and the police fail to do the job they have all sworn an oath to do, they will shout out from every mainstream news-stand, that data was not passed from one government security agency, to another. They will say that some form of legislation is to blame and with the theatre playing "brexit" as the heel, it will no doubt use this as a scapegoat for the source of their weakness. Or maybe the Russians, as they seem to be playing a large part in the performance these days... Again, I digress from the case in hand.
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A lot bigger than first thought and not just a bunch of crooked cops from Yorkshire

As soon as Terry had discovered that Peter and his mother had gone to Austria, Terry broke into the family home and after removing all of the valuable goods, he then had all the locks changed and all this without any resistance from the police...
What? You think that the neighbours were on Terry's side? Don't be silly...
They knew who he was and they too reported him to the police, when they saw him busting down the door. But yet again, nothing was done.
These are the actions of a 'made' man, someone who is above the law and almost untouchable.

Obviously, this made Peter think twice about returning to Blighty and who could blame him?! This was turning out to be a witch hunt, but while there was an ocean between them, Peter assumed he was safe and out of reach of the corrupt North Yorkshire authorities. Unfortunately that couldn't be further away from the truth. Peter would never be out of reach and he was about to realise this and more...


So to finally cut a long story shorter, Peter and his mother were tracked down by the UK authorities, swiftly.
(No Brexit data-sharing barriers on this occasion...)
And after Terry was seen by neighbours to be leading the investigation-team, into Peter's Austrian abode, it appears that our cross-boarder policing capabilities have their own constitution and therefore do not need to adhere to rules that would otherwise most definitely stand against what they have done and are continuing to do it, right now as you read these very words!

After the authorities transported their POWs(Grandma B & Peter) back to the UK farm, they began to turn the screws on this pair of dissenters.

After packing grandma off to a nursing home and closing that loop, they then turned on Peter. Planting evidence at his home and having him convicted of viewing indecent images, the authorities didn't even stop there. They then had him extradited back to Austria to face more spurious charges. After almost all of these charges were dropped, Peter was sectioned under the mental health act. Peter is now being held INDEFINITELY, and against his will, with no formal diagnosis other than that coming from a known shill, Dr Manfred(pictured above), at a mental institution in Austria.

Who knows, at this very moment Peter could have a "nurse" forcing drugs down his throat, or a needle in his arm, attached to a cocktail-sack of intravenous mind-bleech. Sorry to make you imagine such horrors, but that and a lot worse need to be acknowledged. Are we agreed?

Before I direct you to the interview containing this entire nightmare, I will let you read this passage from a report written by the UK Column. Although this may repeat some points I have made, it will serve to gather a timeline of events and also give a massive clue as to why they made sure Peter was sent far, far, away...

Peter was detained in Britain on 1st December 2014, just minutes before commencing a private prosecution case that would have exposed fraud and criminality committed against Barbara and himself, which also involved police and local authorities. He was held ON REMAND until June 2016, when he was convicted of possession of indecent images. He continues to dispute the allegations and maintains that the images were planted by police or another party. Evidence supporting this was withheld from the court. Peter and his supporters also maintain that he has not had a fair trial, with Article 6 of the ECHR being seriously violated.

As Peter had already served longer in jail than the sentence received, he was due for immediate release. However, he continued to be held in custody pending extradition to Austria to face various charges, which he maintains are false. Extradition took place in July 2017, and Peter was first held in jail pending trial. However, most of the charges were dropped and, in November 2017, he was transferred to a psychiatric institute FOR LIFE, without ever having been examined by a psychiatrist in Austria.

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Here is the full interview, aired 3 months-ago on Freedom Talk Radio, UK.

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As always I will direct you all to those who are truly trying to help most of the folk I report on. Lawful Rebels and thousands more are now using Common Law to protest and fight against the tyranny of the UK government. We are having some success and more-so as our numbers grow. International common law courts have been set up all over the UK, to allow folk to have their cases heard in a real courts of law. While they are lawful, they are powerless against the huge corporate machine. But that is not to say that this has to be the case, for common law is not the weak link here. The weak link is our apathy, our apprehension, our suspicious nature, usually aimed in the wrong directions, and amongst a few other things, it is because of our unwillingness to pull together and get behind one another. Common law and constitutions may not be the best answer, but it has honest roots and is both our strongest and weakest point.

Here are some links to the UK common law community and the organisations they have set up to help victims like the ones you have just read about. If it wasn't for these people, you probably wouldn't be reading this article and Peter would have been a long-time dead...

See you all next time and please remember to show your support with one of your precious votes and if you really liked what you read, then why not go hit the "resteem" button?!

Peace to you and yours

Rebel Dan


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This is an amazing presentation. It does beg the question how one is to fight while avoiding what they are doing to Peter from happening to us?

Haha! someone had to ask that question! Oh that is the ultimate Question that I ask myself on the regular. Thank you for the compliments btw. The only answer I can come to is sheer numbers and without it we will get nowhere. At the moment there are too many folk that do not know the enemy or themselves and that = disaster every time, according to the warlords.. A peaceful solution is always going to work better too, but that makes the path even harder. I'm sure we will get to some kind of tipping point. My other worry is that they really don't care what we think and if the system does crumble because of a lack of confidence, then that just leads to an AI ruler that is apparently infallible... It seems that all the media and a lot of society has a narrative of mistrust and having to have a 3rd party to take away the risk of cooperation between humans. Crypto is a great example of this as it is spawned out of mistrust for bankers, but yet we use it towards each other. As Karl Rove said "we are the creators and we make history, you are merely the audience that are always one step behind"(I paraphrased that a little)

At the moment there are too many folk that do not know the enemy or themselves and that

And far to many that insist on not knowing.

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Great work sharing this information. Too bad it is too old for me to vote on. Following you for more great work.

Yeah this one is a pretty bad case. Scott Bullet of Dementia fraud UK was on mspwaves radio with myself and Debora Milazzo. Too much scandal to write about. Thanks for the support buddy.

I don't see a real end without a total collapse like Atlas Shrugged and having to start off from more of a blank slate. On the brighter side, the Asian region will do well. I have high hopes for SEA and even East Asia. South Asia respect and imitate west to much and Dubai is an economic heaven but Sharia Law has its own problems.

I normally try to stay away from these tings. But sometimes you just can't ignore what's happening:

Best of Luck my friend!

I saw this earlier buddy, nice article. Got my vote. I know what you mean though, it gets a bit relentless and the negative isn't great all the time, but hey, someone has to do it :)