Strategies to attack and disrupt the family tradition.

in democrat •  last year 

Since the dawn of history the first thing a fresh and new human being learns about itself is that it is either a little girl or boy.

Then they are taught and directed to grow up and become either men or women. That's the way it is because the survival of our kind depends on each sex fulfilling its role and survival is what drives life on earth.

Children born to a family started by the union of a man and woman are nurtured and taught their role.

It's an ongoing cycle. Stable families make a stable society.

In order to destabilize a society attack it's core. It's core is the stable family.

There are several strategies to attack and disrupt the family tradition.

  1. Pass legislation eliminating the greatest moral influence for traditional monogamy. The Christian God. (Thou shalt not commit adultery)
  2. Promote a counter culture celebrating free sex and promiscuity as enlightened.
  3. Through the entertainment industry promote the idea of fathers as bumpkins and traditional families as old fashioned.
  4. Pass legislation allowing the killing of newly conceived human beings.
  5. Promote gender confusion within developing boys and girls.
  6. Pass legislation making divorce very easy and making single motherhood profitable.

The Democratic Party started their campaign of destruction in the 60s. Their next step was to create a permanent voting block from within the black community through the "War on Poverty", also instituted in the 60s by Johnson. It made blacks a dependent class and they never recovered.

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