Nations and tribes.

in democratic •  last year 


A nation is really nothing more than an extremely evolved tribal unit. Tribal units had their priorities right or else they died off or were conquered and enslaved. An efficient tribal unit, first and foremost, established, defended, protected and functioned within a specific area. This required a fighting force of men and borders. They then had to establish a system for distributing goods and services within their membership and this invariably involved appointing and utilizing every able bodied soul to the best of their abilities.

This required a system of economics based upon the value of labor for varying services. Capitalism. Next a system of ensuring the continuation of the tribe into the future was necessary. This involved a careful and nurturing system of protecting and raising children. Therefore killing children and homosexuality were taboo.

Survival would be considered a natural law. It is basic. Nature's law and God's law mesh. If there is a God who created the universe and human beings this makes sense. Does it not? The relativist, progressive, liberal, secular humanist philosophy of the democratic party violates the laws of nature and of God and will insure the collapse of any society within which they prevail.

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