The Truth about Democrats

in democrats •  8 years ago 

Unfortunately, after watching hundreds of hours of Democrats go on with the same old crap, day after day, week after week, month after month, saying the same old worn-out moronic crap, over and over and over again, and all the FAKE NEWS of CNN and their ilk, it's hard to say anything good about them.

What is obvious, they are very much following the Saul Alinsky playbook, Rules for Radicals. They're like the Terminator. You can't reason with them or hold any intelligent discussion with them. Logic is out the window, and their minds are made up and closed for intellectual business.

End of story. No further discussion needed.

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I feel the same exact way about anyone who supports MInd Control which is what the word Government means. It is frightening just how many people think they need government to take there money and abuse their friends and family or murder people in some far away land. One has to be terrified in order to think or should I say not be able to think in a meaningful way when the subject comes up.