Democrats are Power Hungry

in democrats •  6 years ago  (edited)



Over the past couple of weeks, the Democrats have put the United States through the circus that is the Brett Kavanaugh nomination. This has led to one of the worst partisan battles in modern American history. We have seen baseless and uncorroborated accusations such as gang rape thrown at then Judge Kavanaugh. Despite all of that, the Senate voted to confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court on a 50-48 vote, the closest Supreme Court Nominee vote in history. Throughout the entire episode, the Democrats exposed a number of things about them and their beliefs, and it should scare everyone. Namely, they want power, and they will do anything to get it.

Democrats embrace their worst excesses

Both the Republican and the Democratic Party have undesirable excesses that they historically have tried to stray away from. For example, Republicans have always had to police the politicians in the party to make sure they don’t have radical or uninformed people running because then the media will turn them into the face of the Republican Party. The Democrats have always resorted to character attacks and smearing. However, instead of trying to tone down character attacks, the Democrats have officially embraced it.Everyone Conservative has been called a racist or sexist by the left. Words like sexist, misogynist, racist don’t have any meaning anymore because the left refers that way to everyone that they disagree with. However, the Democratic Party has taken these character attacks to a whole new level. Enter: Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh. As everyone knows, Ford accused Kavanaugh of raping her at a party with Mark Judge and covering her mouth so she couldn’t scream. If true, then Kavanaugh should never have a job again. However, since due process is an integral part of the American Constitution, we have to verify these claims.Yet, Democrats have no interest in that. They don’t want to corroborate the claims. Instead, they have resorted to #believeallwomen and #metoo. This would be fine if Dr. Ford could provide any corroborating evidence to her claims. But she can’t. Not one iota of evidence was presented to the senate. Kavanaugh however, presented counter evidence, making his case that he’s innocent to be stronger. This is the moment when we see the true goals of the Democrats.

Democrats Only Want Power

The left has shown that they want Kavanaugh stopped at all cost and they don’t care what they have to do to do it. They want power so badly, that they launched one of the worst smear campaigns in American history. First, the Senate Democrats began by saying that since Dr. Ford made the allegations, they must be true and don’t need corroboration. They have thrown due process out the window and turned this into a political hit job. We know this because Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said that Kavanaugh does not deserve due process.They have shown that they don’t care about #metoo. We know this because they leaked Dr. Ford’s letter against her wishes and did everything in their power to delay Ford’s testimony such as calling for a 7th FBI investigation and calling Republicans sexist for wanting to hear her story and then cowards for using a female prosecutor.They have shown that they don’t actually believe all Women because we have been seeing the Deputy Head of the DNC, Congressman Keith Ellison accused of sexual violence. However, the Democrats have said “An allegation standing alone is not sufficient to conclude that conduct occurred.” By the Left’s standards, if they don’t believe the allegations against Ellison, it because the hate Women. Also, don’t forget how the left treated Bill Clinton’s accusers Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones.”If you drag a dollar through a trailer park….”The real reason the left opposes Kavanaugh is because they fear that he will overturn Roe v Wade. The way we know this is because CNN’s Jim Acosta spilled the beans.

Jim Acosta@AcostaWith a single speech, Sen. Collins, announcing her support for Kavanaugh, has paved the way for a much more conservative Supreme Court for the next generation. Abortion rights, gay rights, climate change, and health care reform could well be impacted for decades to come.2:58 PM - Oct 5, 201834.8K
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This goes to show what the left really thinks about the Supreme Court. They believe it is a tool to pass leftist ideology that they can’t get passed in congress. They hate Kavanaugh because he is an originality and will make his ruling based on the Constitution, not his beliefs. And the left has shown how they feel about the Constitution.They don’t like the 1st Amendment because they want protections against hate speech. They believe collective rights overcome that of religious rights.The Left doesn’t like the 2nd Amendment because they want gun control.They don’t like the 5th Amendment because they would rather destroy Kavanaugh’s life on uncorroborated allegations.I could go on forever. However the biggest take away is that everything is a means to an end for the left. People are either followers or obstacles that must be crushed. Kavanaugh is an obstacle to the leftist utopia that they want, therefore they have tried to destroy his life and stomp on his rights. Here is the now deleted tweet from one of Steven Colbert’s writers.If they will do it to him, they will do it to you.


Do not let the left take the power they so desperately want. Say no to the mob. 

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