One of the most well-regarded manga series in Japan, read kiss manga is a spiritualist series written and illustrated by Setsuo Maruyama. Also known as DSSS, it's one of the more powerful anime/ manga series based on Japanese myths and legends. For those who don't know, Demon is a demon spirit that can be classified as a malevolent entity with the ability to take over the human mind and body. However, Demon is neither a devil nor does he/she have any devilish attributes. Demon is actually a pure spirit which has been left by humans when they passed away.
The story begins five years after the initial incident. Several years have passed since humans first departed from this world. A mysterious bittersweet couple witnesses a mysterious explosion which leaves his house destroyed. Then, three men appear and offer him shelter as they perform a ritual to control his future. But when the ritual is completed, they take away his memories and control his body, and soon he realizes that they are planning to kill him and take control of his mind and body.
Five years later, another boy is found wandering alone. This time, he passes through a gate guarded by three hell hounds, who want him to enter the Demon World. There, he meets a demon called Ky Kisuke. He is possessed by the Demon spirit seed manual, and after a struggle between him and Ky, he is finally able to defeat Ky and return to the human mind.
This series features a wide variety of characters. There's Demon Lord Bakugan, the Demon Seedmaster Kamui Myoho, and the evil Captain Genser, who also happens to be the lead character. In addition, there's also female knight, the evil owner of a fortune telling shop, and Captain Kondomachai, a man with no memory, who is also on the side of demons. The series also introduces a new character, Kanna, who is the daughter of a fallen angel. She is an innocent child who is a master of strategy.
The series starts out as many other series do. The main hero, Iguana Momoe, begins to lose his memory. His ability to control his thoughts seems to be wavering, and his sanity also seems to be wavering. One day, he wanders into a strange house that has a hole in the roof. There he meets Ky Kisuke, who also possesses Demon powers and is after the treasure he knows is inside.
As the series progresses, more characters are introduced. There is Momoe, and he also has several friends along the way like Kondomachai and Captain Genser. Other important additions to the cast include Keigo, a young boy who is part of the Demon Force Organization, and Tsubasa, the first human being to control his mind. Keigo and Tsubasa have the ability to control others' minds, and they become very close friends.
Masamune Shiomi is the author of the Demon Seed manual, and he has done an excellent job of condensing and making this series enjoyable to read. There is action, and mental stimulation, without any excessive violence. It is completely possible for anyone to follow this series from start to finish. Shiomi has excellent writing skills, and this is evidenced by how easily you can follow his plot lines. He has created an excellent story that will keep you reading until the very end, and even after you have finished the series there will be things you will want to read again.
This series is one of the most popular among the Japanese people. The tamen de gushi is written in Japanese, but it is translated in full-color pages so it looks great on any kind of computer or cell phone. The series has been on every book list in Japan since 2003, and it is always in print. There are also a number of movie tie-ins, such as the Japanese version of the Pokemon movies.