C64 Graphics (PETSCII):Giana Bernie Sanders Sisters by Vintage Computing Carinthia! 24 January 2021
PETSCII , im not sure if montmartre had their expo on it yet, but i really think they should. When i re-linked the vid yesterday after it got online for 24 minutes in this post i thought someone got nostalgic or something but it turns out it was a mainstream internet fad ...
go figure - - - me and the mainstream, tight as me and p.c. - principal or fanatic mono-theist missionaries or worse : me and salesforce and the marketing departmen
just the short version since today is normally inflation basket day
hm - so far i have : put in months if not over year of work on all kinds of scripts for this backwater blockchain, everything got screwed (by the mainstream mostly) , most things got misunderstood, including the start of a whole system to have interactive connecting posts as a kind of zork adventure as well as a version of steem that went 8 sats deep and ran without nodes or steem-engine (so i'll assume steem-engine there). I have seen my steempower increase all the time and my votepower decrease all the time - i used to buy a bit of steem every month but in the end i realized : no one will put advertising money if this thing doesnt get a reach in bulk numbers and no one in power will let it. That was way before Sun took over , its still not de-centralized (one company basically owns it) and there's nothing wrong with that, twitter makes good money and i feel its a little more open to speak with way less downvoting and flagwars but
if BTC goes from 6k to 40k in under 12 then steem goes from 20 cents to 20 cents so - i dont think this is gonna get me where i need to be
i just keep it around like a pair of old shoes and for all it is : fudbuk , totter and sons (crotter inc.) get me even less than 50 dollar a year as a reward for all the time spent on it (i actuallyu dont have fudbuk and totter anymore for quite some time now)
keep it classy and non-personal, it says on the review link , so ...
events this month:
see prev post
events next month :
gud ... thanks for reading if you did, not if you didnt, thanks double for voting and half of nothing if you didnt ...
didnt find new freebs or demoframes but havent been looking either
dum(b)p that phone and
Unleash Yourself
they just keep coming while checking, this looks a bit like "notch-for-poor-people" ... after i get my stemcelltherapy to fix my worn out bones, get my tooth fixed with the dead nerve that needs removing and then save another billion to clone myself i certainly NEED to try these things out one by one ...
to a lesser extent for the real freaks :
... i have a vocore here but one of the pins is bent and i shrined it since im not mister solder ... maybe one day when im on mars and its clear skies again
i will try to link more - i use appgamekit by gamecreators too myself but thats not a free program and if anyone says "notch" , please slap them around with a few 1000 dollar bills (bc you will be needing that)
much @
here goes :
site | inf |
http://www.pouet.net/ | die quelle |
https://demozoo.org/ | super |
https://archive.assembly.org/ | the l33t |
https://csdb.dk/ | c64 only and quite closed but accessible for viewing, polish i presume (hah, before you know it i be downvoted to minus 20 fahrenheit again) |
more coming
as for the partyzones, i think im just scratching the surface again but for now :
(and obviously not in halls full of strange ulta-basement nerds who are or are not marries seven times by now)
(these are definitely major events ... its where you find the guy who can actually write you the compiler, not talk the lingo ...)