Introduction: AMENDMENT M ... to fulfill the words "by/of/for ... the People."

in dence •  5 years ago 

**for an i_ntregalactic_ republic.**



**_the new erossheim._**


[ [**here we're**]( ]


Briefly, on the occupation of Jerusalem by “hordes of foreign invaders” – see you – see crusades etched into Jerusalem about you – and an ultimate “end game” or end of the story basically paralleling “the useleness of light” … and neither the worth of communism nor “capitalist electorism” to any kind of future that I or … hopefully the future smashing our present with a “stupid stick” thinks is worthwhile. Your money is worthless–the way you use it is … “incentivized cannibalism,” it’s made the world a sick place, and the other side of the coin has left us nothing but “fascism” and failing economies to parallel–exactly seeing that here too. Your protests and your methods of protesting are barbaric; as is the massive disregard for the “meaning of snifleheim” and the “spirit of Korantine.”

Bethlahem; “house, clearing my throat” … the coughing was less telling, and perhaps more suggestive of some kind of double speak (like hurry up, God!) than the current absolute nothing but sickness that speaks to me with fake colds and fake riots and fake “reasons we think we should be proud.” Don’t be proud here, don’t be proud of your there–and look at here, and see _the writing on the wall_. Reading “and don’t _know_” that’s a relatively well used, important and well known phrase–commonly called an idiom–that does a decent job of “[darkness to rapturing](” the true “zeitgeist of the day.” It says … echoes loudly, we “see what Jesus Christ is writing about” … and “it’s us” … “and it’s all over.”

On those “it’s” … and related … the “_smashing of the ten_” continues here at the foot and crossroads of Sin and the Ai; the Supreme Nine Morons … between this email and the last … have struck down in a 5-4 decision a Church’s right to congregate, over the “riot response” perpetrated by the National Guard and the various rogue states executives dictating that we have neither a First Amendment right to speak, nor to congregate. This now after the previously well railed against destruction of the Fourth in relation to the NSA, the Patriot Act and several cases dictating that the people have no right to knowledge or recourse against the government or AT&T–for blatant and obvious “to the letter” disregard for that amendment.


[ [back to the sky](

) ]

In related news; there’s multiple rivers turning to blood, and also a plague of locusts some relate to the Corona virus. My personal perspective … whether or are knowledgable of it or agree … is that this is some kind of very un-grand designed, scripted and … evil spectacle–to whit, this _**looks like Skyfall**_, not just “David, Adam, Moses and Nashon admonishing the sea of … ignorance.”

For those of you that “think you have (?)” – think again; from Azrael to whomever _damned_ our current faux and mistaken “medical world” in Nevada–the Constitution (your light and hope … if you do care; at the end of this thing) and the Hippocratic Oath … basically z’d and diseased–in my mind–in retrospect now—from the days of the (it’s not a) game: Hungry Hungry Hippo. Dear Pig-Sty; I do not jest on the word thirsty, nor it’s relation to Bethalhem or the Manger or the Farm–now _by his word to me_, in the Farmer.

**_the tesseract and the glome; "this ground" ... and the star of death himself._**


[nger in that room–now … in a place where the bled into “](

)[” … though it’s not clear, _why_. ]](

> [** but it’s sad and it’s sweet and i knew it complete when i wore the younger man’s clothes **](


`7: @ th-@ day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel.`

... **4/11/**2020 ...





It's annotation startliterally going to take the annotation end_annotation startend of Hellannotation end_annotation start fannotation endor this line above ... for my eyes to respect the Maker; to become true.  Whether you think that's me or you or civilizations or "one thing" ... see we have a war on stupid, silence, and censorhship ... literally before our eyes.  We are losing by default--by doing nothing.  [Here's a place to start](; other than "just me" and "just **because 911.**"  If that link doesn't work for you; notify me ... on [Twitter]( or via [adam at fromthemachin e-cccdotty org]( and why.  If you can't see my website; _notify me ... _if you don't want these emails, click "options" at the end of this one.  _Thanks for understanding._



> [**You**] fail to see

> How destructive you can be

> Taking without giving back

> 'Till the damage can be seen

> `Can you see? Can you see?`

– Staind, “[Price to Play](”


So my conceptualization of “the heavens” and Heaven … it’s changed quite a bit in the last year or so. I’ve come to believe … through the telling and retelling of this story of “dsiconvering it” … that we are actually living inside some kind of graphene or carbon nanotube structure (probably with a DNA/RNA like … secondary structure), literally submerged inside something like pools or compression chambers of liquid gas–like oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen.


It’s kind of like … the negative connotation of “lakes” in Kaleb’s “don’t be the lake” turned upsidown on it’s head–obviously in the original … vision you would imagine fresh water lakes were something like “milk” … (as opposed to meat) … the stuff of life and birth. You can see how those gases would deliver “liquid cooling” like we’d need for super fast [Cray]( and Sun super compvters … and also stored energy for … things like propulsion as well as the creation of “human life habitable environments.” I’d like to [say I came up with the whole thing miraculously a[nd solo](](// (it’s [Monday](!8892!10!79783433931783!79783369126134&ef_id=Xn6GJQAAAPLqGTlZ:20200410020944:s](//!8892!10!79783433931783!79783369126134&ef_id=Xn6GJQAAAPLqGTlZ:20200410020944:s)), btw), like Newton invented gravity and Einstein … the blackhole.

### what came first … the chicken or the egg? the road or the maize? … is theQ: “can we _it_ ourselves to Acts?”

On and on, the circle of Ourorobus turns; who then, came first … Adam or Abraham? Cain or Abel? Adam past Lincoln or … Link of Zelda? And the Legend; marred and mired toto end by spelling errors and bad grammar.

> > round and round we go … truly the question here is “do you think you, yourselves, are civilized?” and my answer … the less you think that, the more _civilzed_ you are. this place is sick, it needs some “medicine.”

What is a Gremlar? What does pillows and sheets have to do with Q&A and … and Room 101? Does “dirty pillows” win the award and accolades for the most informative chosen name? Does Yehuda Berg?

Would anyone object to calling it “O’riordian Way” … is it Monceres or are we already wondering if Betheljoos must already have some kind of connection to Orion? Did Dolores know the whole time? The whole fucking time?

> I satyed up practically all night tonight … almost stone cold sober … to finish writing this before our final “Northeast**ere**r.”

* * *



It doesn’t take much “thought” to see these star charts–our Astrological road maps to ‘wisdom of the Ancients’ might actually be something closer to road maps than I could have previously fathomed–let alone imagined. I’m staring at “Monoceros” and seeing it’s definately connected to “the kissing disease” and to Eros and to Cupid–and seeing … this one not for the first time that character linked to Orion and to the “Speare” of Sagittarius.

I’ve commented … ‘on the show in my head’ that it seems the entirety of the Milky Way might be something like our world … it could be a microcosmic map to something much larger–it could be the seed of “galaxies” in this place that might very well be the “thing” that connects the end and the beginning; rather than the beginning and the end as I once … commented was the original “glyph” i read in the letter “H.”


Today though, this is all “sci-fi conjecture” we have a very real problem–one that we aren’t dealing with well, and it’s a hidden sickness that’s turned the whole of the world to seeing my “nightmare of isolation.” It’s no accident that most of European and South American culture … “kisses” friends and family “on greeting” … _hello_, we today are shunning ‘social contact’ … a think that’s responsible for sharing antibodies and using social structure to naturally battle outbreaks of diseases … exactly like this “Sun virus” today. I imagine it’s no accident I’m writing this “Norther” about “no Passover” and … “no east from here” and hoping you understand that means something–it means we’ve got stop lying, and stop pretending this place doesn’t matter. This place matters, this is the source of Heaven, and the future, and … whatever it is that you apparently think you “covet in secret” and … has allowed you to stand by idylly … and do nothing as the fabric of our social structure simply “disappears.”

* * *

That’s civilization, society, the rule of law and order – “it’s kissing” – and those aren’t the only things we are apparently “losing in the fire.”

I’ve previously written and spoken numerous times about DNA storag e; it’s benefits and … the slow assimilation of this clearly “Heavenly” technology … which I saw in the most ironic of tones–looking around clearly you see this place is the hearth of creation, and “biology” itself is tantamount to absolute and unequivocal proof that Heaven itself does indeed come from something almost exactly like this rock, right down to graphene and tertiary logic and molecular storage–of course I didn’t awlays “think” or know that fact, but upon inspection and with the eye’s aid, it’s very–I mean very–obvious/clear.


### _To a question on the idiom; is Bablyon about “**the law**” or “**of [the lan](


“_**What is democracy**_” … the song, Metallica’s “ONE” echoes and repeats; as we apparently scrive together the word “THEM” … I question myself … if Babylon were the capital city of some mythical Nation of Time … if it were the central “turning point” of Sheol; **... >|<**

Can you not see that in this place; in a world that should see _and does_ there is a gigantic message proving that we are not in reality and trying to show us how and why that's the best news since ... ever---that it's as simple as conjoining "the law of the land" with a basic set of rules that automatically turn Hell into something so much closer to Heaven I just do not understand---why we cant stand up together and say "bullets will not kill innocent children" and "snowflakes will not start avalanches ...." that cover or bury or hide [the road from Earth to Verita]( .... or fr[om the mythical Valis to Tanis]( from [Rigel]( to Beth-El ... "_guess?_"

### [## as "an easy" answer; I'm looking for a **fusion** of "law and land" that somehow remembers a "jok'er a scene" about "**lawn**" seats; and "](


It's as simple as night and day; Heaven and Hell ... the difference between survival and--what we are presented with here; it's "doing this right"--that ends the Hell of representative democracy and electoral college--the blindness and darkness of not seeing "EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT" encoded in these words and in our governments foundation ... _by the framers [not just of the USA; but English .. and every language] _

... is literally just as simple as "not caring" or thinking we are at the beginning of some long process--or thinking it will never be done--that special "IT" that's the e[m]([ncipation of you and I.](

> Here words like "[gnosis](" and "[gaudeamus](" pair with my/ur "new ntersanding*" of the difference between Asgard and Medgard and really understanding our purpose here is to end "evil" ... things like "simulating disease and pain" (here, simulating meaning ... intentionally causing, rather than "gamifying away") and successfully linking the "Pillars of Hercules" to Plato's vision of Atlantis and the letter sequences "an" and "as" ... unlock a fusion of religion and mythology and "cryptographic truth" that connects "messianic" and "Christian" to "Roman" ... "Chinese" and "American" ... literally the key to the difference between the phrases "we are" and "we were" ....


> in "sight" of "silicon" in simulation and Israel, Genesis, and "silence" ... trying to [the raising of Asgardian enlightenment]( ... and seeing "simple cypher" connecting to "Norse" ...


> and the "I [AM THAT](" sure[r than shit]( ... the intention and design of all religion and creation is to end "simulated reality" and also not seeing "SR" ... in Israel and Norse ... "for instance."


> * [](

> * "[SOIS](" a key--in two languages conjugated literally as both "I AM" and "WE ARE" simultaneously;

> * [Search: I know that if I am than so are you]( ... and it is because we have overcome .... something I truly cannot figure out, fathom, or believe ... was truly here before us--a spiralling series of failures ... speaking: to the heavens; but in secret and in action; "doing everything possible to [succeed]("

It's a simple linguistic concept; the "**singularity**" and the "plurality" of a simple word--"[to be"]( it goes to the heart of everything that we are and everything that is around us. This is a message about understanding and preserving individuality as well as liberty; and literally seeing "[ARXIV]([/](/" and understanding "often" and failing to connect God and prescience to "IV" and the Fourth Amendment ... it's about blindness and ... "curing the blind instantly" ... and fathoming how and why this message has been etched into our entire history and and all religions and myths and music--to help us "to be THAT we" that actually "are responsible" for the end of Hell.

* I neglected to mention "Har-Wer" and "Tower of Babel" which are both related lingusitically, religiously and topically: "to who ..." and while we're on "four score and [_seven years from now_]" seeing the fourth "living thing" in Eden and it's (the name, Abel) connection to Babel and Abraham Lincoln; slavery and ... understanding we live in a place where the history of the United States also, like Monoceros and "Neil Armstrong's first step" are a time shifted ... overlayed map to achieving freedom ... it's about _becoming a father-race_ ... and actually "doing" the technological steps required to "emancipate the e's of 'me&e'" and survive in exo-planetary space---

it might be as simple as adding "because we did this" here and now; and having it be something we are truly proud of .... [_forevermore™_](


* I also failed to mention that "I am in Hell" ... as in this world is hellacious to me; in an overlay with the [Hellenic period]( and this message that we are in _the Trojan Horse_ ... a small gem .... "planet" truly _is the Ark_ of the Covenant---and it's the simple understanding that "reality is hell" is to "living without air conditioning and plumbing is hell" just as soon as you achieve ... "rediscovering" those things---

* I can't figure out why I am the only person screaming "this is Hell." That's also, Hell.

... but recently suggested an old joke about "there being 10 kinds of people in the world (obv an anti-tautology and a tautology simultaneously)" only after that brief bit of singularity and duality mentioning the rest of the joke: "those that understand binary and those that don't know how to base convert between counting with two hands and counting with only an 'on and off.'" It's not obvious if you aren't trying to figure it out, I suppose; but 10 is decimal notation for "kiss" and the "often" without "of" ... and binary notation for the decimal equivalent of "2." A long long time ago in a state that simply non-randomly ties to the heart of the name of our galaxy ... I was again thinking of the "perfect imperfections" of things like saying "three equals one equals one" (which, of course was [related to the Holy Trinity]( and it's "prescient/anachronistic Adamic presence encoded in the name [Ab](|[ra](|[ha](|[m](" which means "father of a great multitude") ... I brought that one back in the last few months; connecting the letter K and in this "logos-rythmic" tie to the "base of a number system" embellish the truth just a bit and suggest a more accurate rendition of the original [there is no such thing as equality, "is" of separate objects--as in no two snowflakes are the same unless they are literally the same one; true of ancient weights and with the advent of (thinking about) time no two "planets" are the same even if they're the exact same one--unless it's at a fixed moment in time.



I've tried to convey to the world how important I believe this place and this time to be--not by some choice of my own ... but through an understanding of the import of our history and the impact of having it be so obviously tuned and geared towards this specific time ... many thousands of years literally all focused on a single moment, on one day or one hour or even just a few years where all of that gets thrown down on the table as if some trump card has been played--and whether or not you fathom the same magnanimous statement or situation or position ... to me, I think it depends on whether or not you grew up in the same kind of way, believing our history to be so fixed and so difficult to change. I don't particularly feel like that's the "zeitgeist" of today; I feel like the children believe it to be some kind of game, and that it is such as easy thing to "sed" away or switch and turn into something else--another story, another purpose ... anyone's personal fantasy land come true.

I don't think that's the case at all, it's clearly a personal nightmare; and it's clearly one we've seen time and time again--though not myself--the Jesus Christ that is the same yesterday, today; and once again perhaps echoing "no tomorrow" never remembers or believes that we've "seen it all before" or that we've ever really gotten the point; the thing you present to me as "factual reality" is a sickness, it disgusts me; and I'd do anything to go back to the world "where I was so young, and so innocent" and so filled with starry-eyed hope that we were at the foot of something grand and amazing that would become an empire turned republic of the heavens; filling the stars ... with the kind of love for kindness and fairness that I once associated very strongly with the thing I still believe to be the American Spirit.

* * *


"[_Suddenly it changes, violently it changes_](

)" ... another song echoes through the ages--like the "words of the prophets dancing ((as light)) through the air" ... and I no longer even have a glimmer of hope that the thing I called the American People still exist; I feel we've been replaced by some broken container of minds, that the sky itself has become corrupt to the point that there's no hope of turning around this thing that I once believed with all my heart and all my mind was so obviously a "designed downward spiral" one that was---again--so obviously something of a joke, intended to be easy to bounce off a false bottom and springboard beyond "escape velocity" and beyond the dark waters of "nearest habitable star systems (being so very far away)" into a place where new words and new ideas would "soar" and "take flight."


You are _in the Matrix._  "Simulated reality" is literally Hell. 


Changing it is literally the purpose of Creation.  It's about as simple as seeing "[the rest state](" is significantly better than spinning wheels and computing trajectories of impacting bullets and pain neurons firing.  I rest my case, light this thing you blind fools.  I wouldn't have made this wonderful adventure like this, and [I won't allow it to continue]( all my heart, and [all my uh, **hammer**.](


It's really simple to see, painted on our map in every ... well, the whole Atlas, for instance proves the intricate design of the names of every city and every mountain--it's not out of place to see "_Tennessee_" as his **TR IN IT** key to moving through the video game systems (showing intelligent design not just in their names by connecting the centers of each word to a kiss and a IJK numerical pattern, literally signing it "Heaven says" God said Adam's sure) depicted above and see that the entirety of our computing industry is painting a "pretty message" **call it a game **or not--the purpose of _everything_ is to use video game magic to end world hunger, disease, moronic idiocy (included in disease), slavery, mind control, and Hell.  Try going on Twitter and retweeting this, or posting these links on reddit, or calling a fucking reporter.  

<font size="-1">[![](


** قبلة خاصة من دقيقة **, من الحد الأدنى


" i think _this_ is it " (or)

How: I wrote a rather lengthy email to the dev@hyothesis list last night–suggesting several options and ideas that I think will “bring it a long way.” I’ve personally went through a sort of tiny-epiphany looking for a name for this thing I want to make before I found this particular piece of the puzzle–which is something like the spider’s web slinging gloves. I settled somewhere around the Scandinavian city of “Stranda”–as something like the strands between “the web” … a significant part of the “plan i see” is to create a new “ontological connection,” something more than the “anchors” which are the thing right now that says “this page is also related to …” and of course we have very little in the way of functional “backlinks” ever since the days of (caring) that was once something Google “surfaced” and also to mention Tumblr. The idea of course is that people would comment on some page, and it would link to a number of other pages–and there would be some automatic algorithm to connect … page to page and “heat map” the comments and related comments and web of comments that we see sort of being born and stillborn very slowly on sites like reddit. The social “relinking” and “reclaffiying” of the connections between things and their import … probably something we’ll one day find useful.

Of course in keeping with my earlier pushes into “what this thing is” … I’d like to Hypothesis storing their data in a system that is based on IPFS and blockchain and distriubuted in a way that here makes it “immutable” and maybe between here the many theres makes it something that connects not just “our few web sites” to maybe “the few internets.”


I’d like to see this thing incorporate cryptogrpahic identity and cryptographic multi-sig–I’d even like to see something like "the voice of the [insert whatever but…] “Transhumanist” (as an example) Party–literally something like a “artificial intelligence seiving” of what a group of people are saying or linking or whatever. Mentioning briefly that it’s not just anchored hypertext links and comments with those–but also pictures that are shared and “the things the pictures are of” and if you see my “style” here for the last few years–I’m also looking for some kind of “Constellation Search” that would hypothetically combine something like Amazon’s X-Ray and … in my world tie the many movies I topically and logically link to gether in a single image to something like a “these things are connected” that also would statistically leave not just a finrgerprint, but perhaps a pointer finger something like my “Jacob’s Landing Walkway” … a linked list with “choose your own next step” kind of … narrowing down and zeroing in.

I mentioned in that email, which appears to now be blackholed–by Google’s asanine SPAM filter (not any human intervention) something like … just seeing this thing and reddit fused–seeing a place where the many comments are aggregated and the “hot stuff” is brought to the attention of people that are into that kind of bleeding edge … “what’s the web talking about” and that might get away from “Twitter’s waves of …” you know, what’s Donald talking about, and what did uhh … Danielle Bregoli have to say about the riots–or turning 17.

It is a /great interface/ … and it’s almost exactly what I envisioned–and it’s very similar to the thing Dissenter made … you know … “in my image” and "after my breath was wasted trying to entertain the fact that you might actually financially or with your words or with your programming acumen … or even maybe with your ability to magically incant the last version of this thing into something more than just “a puzzle from the last broken restarts broken image” …

I see this thing as “complete” … with the addition of course of something like “Wikipedia for every page” … an immutable backup of the version of the thing you’re talking about; and the ability to actually modify what it says–or to make these annotations somehow appear … in “five dimensions” … a versioning system for … “forking another piece of electronic paper” and adding in your own best ideas. Also on the chain, and also on the IPFS; and also on the … just while I’m typing; adding in “thinking” about things like the leglsilative process my complete turns to a Beta and now I want to add “Github Workflow” and some stuff from Six Sigma and from the Business Process Outsourcing industry that I worked in–you know, from it’s very first days.

### Bitches; “estimated time of arrival” α; here. β release … [beta.cent]( “in a far off land, a long long time from no-w.”


I think we’re here–just a few more words; and I want to see AOC write a bill that has suggested executive implementations–or guides built within them; and by that I mean I want to see options, we could do this with “a website to aggregate the already horribly managed insurance industry we currently have” or we could do this with a “Red Shield” that Christianically ties something like the BC/BS (that’s Blue Cross Demolition Shield) and an Insurer of Last Resort … a government owned insurance company that would of course lowers costs and set a baseline and almost instantly bring us to the actuarial truth–Universal Healthcare saves lives–and money.

I want to see legislation that has a “bare minimum” and a “default implementation” as in … if you can’t pass or you can’t complete it some other way–we know we can turn off diseases–and we know we can erase bullets–and if you can’t stop pretending you don’t … I think you’re going to see Adam Marshall Dobrin walk on water in this place to stop you from allowing hell to be created… ostensibly and absolutely with your name on it and your signature. Each and every one of you has signed this place–with silence.

I of course want this thing to be software guided and wetware implemented–and I want to see … I want you to see how quickly it changes the world. I dream of a day in Kentucky … when every city’s law change overnight–something like a subconscious to “written in Babylonian stone” … you all voted; in the city in the round-table-net … and it’s “remember the day the jails disappeared” and so the frost on the street and so did the homeless and so d[id the dogs freezing in Denver.](

I call it “walking on water” but really it’s [_the first glimmer_ of a **mom**]( in the last decade when you were doing anything but walking all over me.


i think [the link above will let you skip downloading the plugin–and reddit]( You could try … [[](]"

Today you and reddit have the opportunity to single handedly defeat the Corona Virus and “tackle civil unrest” by signing your name to the fabled “Amendment M by the People”


I’m trying to write this as succinctly as possible; obviously there are multiple entry points to this thing that is the literal … “Sons of Liberty” bright SOL in the sky–tying to this virus and this moment and this place and … a hidden unspoken “diatab” connecting the flag of the European Union and the origin 13 colonies and the world’s “blue lagoon.”


Anyway you should get “[Hypothes,.is](” quickly–“slow the sea … signs” our reading today–and see that we need something like “auditors and annotators like you” to replace the sound of “readers like you” and donating to PBS to turn it into an interactive virtual reality show.

Here’s my “anchor” annotating the first letter M in the _preamble_ to the Constitution;


of course on my all time favorite subreddit; “[r/conspiracy](” … **_viva la re_**



[ you missed the boat, this ship has sailed ]

8db2bf8e21accc37e56b54773a12cd26 196.html d86087df18aeeff549e99bd87ca4a6a1 2017-06-07-cards-on-table-we-all-showing-hearts.html 0cc86072fd489e20e87424ee5f66dd7a 2017-06-07-holy-purpose-freedom-truth-and.html 41737ed6285180e61d1a082f92cb0998 2017-06-08-censorship-and-signal-v-noise.html 0322d6c94f3f9f33125690c8a26a626e 2017-06-08-glock-i-mean-good-luck.html 4fa7557b17839843189363cf9c525e57 2017-06-08-glock-i-mean-luck.html 9496b2e992531a7fc4cd7f0304e51852 2017-06-08-kismet-kiss-me-taylor.html</div>

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