RE: Sydney Rock Orchid

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Sydney Rock Orchid

in dendrobium •  6 years ago 

Sydney Rock Orchids (or are they?)
I am told that once upon a time, the rocky ledges around Sydney were covered with "Rock Lilies" (as they were known to the early settlers). They are of course, Orchids - Dendrobium speciosum (the Sydney Rock Orchid).

Sadly the rock ledges around Sydney no longer are festooned with these spectacular flowers. There is a huge issue with illegal collection of Orchids from "The Bush".

Currently one can drive around the coastal towns and cities of the Illawarra and Shoalhaven regions and see spectacular plants of the Sydney Rock Orchid in flower in people's front gardens. Albion Park, Nowra and Kangaroo Valley all spring to mind as places with examples of plants growing happily in gardens.

Unfortunately, it is precisely because of people's fondness for these plants in gardens, they are now a rare sight in "The Bush".

It is of course, illegal to collect these plants from the Bush, but it is a difficult matter to police and administer.
Anyway, best not to dwell on the "sins of our fathers".
The same story can be told of Christmas Bells, which were once picked in their thousands, for sale in flower markets (where the sale of cut flowers is now specifically prohibited).


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