My Dental Journey: Considering Braces and Surgery

in dentalhealth •  2 years ago 

Since my girlfriend got braces, she has been telling me about the benefits of getting them and encouraging me to get them soon. Last month, I became aware of my own dental issues and mustered the courage to schedule a check-up with a dentist a few days ago.

Today, when I saw the dentist, he examined my teeth and told me that my dental situation was quite complicated, and the difficulty of getting braces was extremely high. He said that my teeth were either an open bite or open braces (I was nervous and forgot exactly what he said), and that while my left and right teeth fit together well, the middle teeth did not meet properly. The dentist explained that this was due to my bone structure and that a surgical procedure was necessary to remove a portion of the bone on both sides. At the time, I was skeptical and surprised, feeling that the process of getting braces was so complicated and that surgery seemed painful.

I began to wonder, "Are dentists really professionals? Do I really need such a complicated surgery? Isn't it just a matter of getting braces and having teeth removed?"

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