I value dental hygiene! Of course its pretty easy to go to the store and buy a toothbrush and toothpaste, but what if you are not able to buy a toothbrush and/or toothpaste.
Well for the toothpaste part, grind up charcoal and add water (like this)
(the guy in the video said that it tasted clean and refreshing...but I dont know.)
I do not like the idea of shoving a stick into my mouth, so after I prayerfully thought about it, I thought that a step up from just a plain stick would be some type of brush.
and GOD has already created brushes similar to that
(the above picture is what a spruce tree branch looks like)
the light green tips of tree branches means that new growth has occurred. In my opinion a person might want to use the new growth portion of the branch because it will probably be more flexible. If a spruce tree can not be located, perhaps a 'Pine Tree' can be located
(branch of a Pine tree)
get some scisors
and trim the needles (long flat leaves) down to the right size
(also the term 'bushcraft' can be placed n front of a word and it means -simple life, or how people lived before technology-)