my heart was "dag-dig-dug" when the doctor and nurse examined my teeth up close.steemCreated with Sketch.

in dentist •  7 years ago 

at that time I was visiting a dental clinic.
yes of course check my teeth for treatment.
doctors and nurses are very friendly, and beautiful.
I could not be wrong to see, because I saw him up close, very close, getting closer, oddly my heart was not as usual.
maybe I feel well cared for even though my teeth feel pain.
maybe the way they took care of me makes me feel at home but I don't want toothache anymore.
after that I will take care of my teeth regularly brush my teeth.
if they knew what my heart felt, what would they say? a little smile
by the way, the picture above is sketching my hand then I color the digital process.
thank you for reading my story, maybe on the other hand I will share my experience again.
see you later
I hope your morning is fun
waktu itu saya sedang berkunjung ke klinik gigi.
ya tentu periksa gigi saya untuk diobati.
dokter dan suster sangat ramah, dan cantik.
aku tidak mungkin salah melihat, karna aku melihatnya dari dekat, sangat dekat, semakin dekat, anehnya hatiku tidak seperti biasanya.
mungkin saya merasa dirawat dengan baik meskipun gigi terasa nyeri.
mungkin cara mereka merawatku sehingga membuatku merasa betah tetapi saya tidak mau sakit gigi lagi.
setelah itu saya akan merawat gigi saya dengan rutin sikat gigi.
andai mereka tau apa yang hati saya rasakan, kira-kira apa yang akan mereka katakan ya? sedikit senyuman
ngomong-ngomong, gambar diatas adalah sketsa tangan saya lalu saya warnai proses digital.
terimakasih telah membaca cerita saya, mungkin dilain kesempatan akan saya ceritakan pengalaman saya lagi.
sampai jumpa
semoga pagimu menyenangkan.

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