in dentwireless •  7 years ago 

According to statistics ,4 billion people are still offline,the underlining layer of the internet is communication,the emergence of the internet has changed the way we relate,do business,learn and consume entertainment.
These 4 billion people who are either completely or partially disconnected from the internet,do not enjoy the benefits the internet has to offer,i am currently living in Romania,my monthly airtime bills is less than $10 ,it covers for all my calls,SMS and internet(5GB of internet data), with my home having unlimited wifi,whereas it cost $1 for less than 10 minutes of voice,$1 per every 60 sms and $15 per 5GB of internet(it varies from telecom carriers) in Nigeria
Also one finds it expensive and difficult to use internet data once they cross the shores of their country

Dent wireless is a service that can help me and other individuals share our unused internet data for a fee
All that is required is to download the app,sign up(you receive 30 DENTs when you sign up) and you can start buying or selling data straightway,as at May 28th,DENT app users have surpassed the 300,000 mark,with initial market in Mexico and the USA,South Africa and India currently in the pipeline,DENT seeks to expand country by country
They currently have contracts that cover over 400 operators in 130 countries for airtime topups


Currently,one can buy DENT coins from the cobinhood exchange,Cobinhood is a multilingual exchange that offers zero trading fees,ICO underwriting services, P2P lending and lots more,holders of COB tokens can get access to free airdrops,50% off withdrawal fees using the COB tokens and lots more Also one can get commissions from every referral and its exchange promotion campaigns

LEARN MORE DENT official website Cobinhood exchange website

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