If you are planning on doing anything with your life you have and will continue to run up against walls...they come in all shapes and sizes and most people continue to be surprised by them.
Caused by you...your friend...or things outside of your control...doesn't really matter...
They Are Coming
What do you do when they do come? Discouragement can set in...even when prepared can be devastating. Your brain can go crazy, depending on your personality/past experiences your response will often be illogical and erratic. Giving up out of self-pity, saying it's 'not worth it', manipulating the situation unethically, blaming those close to you.
My tendency is generally complacent laziness, taking the blame and assuming I don't have what it takes.
What's yours?
Are you aware that these moments are right around the corner?
See Them For What They Are
Moments in time for your internal convictions to build another layer of swagger...in 2 Corinthians 4 Paul exhorts the reader to move past these 'light and momentary troubles...by fixing our eyes on eternity'...
Allow me to challenge you to embrace these moments of discouragement by putting courage back into your soul!
- Find a safe confidant to get your discouragement out
- Remind yourself of your why
- Choose Thankfulness
- Do not make significant decisions in the moment - wait for seasonal shifts
- Get your body moving
- Avoid Your Pacifciers
You have the ability to take on these challenges and allow them to evolve you as a person into something that can hold the weight of the situation. Not just to be apart of it, but to bring life and power into it...will you engage? Embrace courage by stay the course, with patience, it will be worth it...
Feel free to share your response in these moments and how you put courage back into your soul...
peace friends - win today - choose to be great