Psychology: Why Is Everyone So Sad?steemCreated with Sketch.

in depression •  5 years ago 

I'll be the first to admit that I have had my periods in life where depression and doom sat on my shoulders like a big wet bear.

In fact, I have probably lived the majority of my adult life at the edge of depression, but the key point here is that I have dealt with it. Sometimes I half-joke that I am OK because I simply do not know what it means to not be depressed, so I experience my experience of life as pretty well normal.

How do we find balance?

And yet, here I sit — after almost six decades of life — and I look around me and it seems like most people are struggling mightily to keep an even keel.

A few days ago, I was reading @jaynie's post about a young friend who'd recently taken his own life. And I found myself pondering the question of whether it had really gotten THAT bad, out there.

Fewer Coping Skills?

Frankly, I don't think people are any more or less depressed than they every were.


Well, OK... maybe they are a little more depressed because the expectations imposed on us by the world seem greater today than in the past, meaning that it's harder to achieve some arbitrary thing we might call "the norm," or the "ideal lifestyle."

One of the first bees of spring...

But above and beyond that, I think many people simply have fewer coping skills, with respect to dealing with adversity.

Why would I conclude such a thing? Well, I do believe the general collapse of our communities and the more superficial connections most people make through the Internet might be playing a role, here. People have fewer and fewer "mates" they can just sit down with and talk about life.

Sending a message to someone on Facebook — whereas potentially offering a moment of solace — is not the same as sharing physical space with a warm body.

And yet, that's all many people know.

To where do we sail?

The Disconnection Factor

It's slightly ironic and sad to think that we are more connected than ever, and yet many people feel more DIS-connected from their humanity than ever. They have 5,000 "friends" on Facebook... and yet they "feel totally alone."

Reminds me of those song lyrics: "200 channels, and nothing on."

Last weekend, I was having a conversation about "life" with our 27-year old daughter who came home for a visit. Somehow we got on the subject of modern youth and "hookup culture."

In increasingly many cases, "getting with someone" is a matter of convenience and satisfying physical needs, with pretty much zero consideration given to such things as deeper spiritual and meaningful connection with another human being.

You might think you are coping pretty well, but most people actually feel much better about themselves and their lives when they are connected to someone; to something around them. We like to be "part of" things... even if we are introverted and tend to be loners.

But it seems to be getting harder and harder... and so, there are more and more "sad" and depressed people in the world... even though they can't necessarily pinpoint an underlying reason for their emotional malaise.

And that's just sad, in and of itself!

Thanks for reading!

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Created at 190501 00:48 PST


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"And that's just sad, in and of itself!"

If I was to become sad about you being sad about people being sad.....would it help?

(Block)chain of sadness?

That would be altogether just too much sadness...

Being sad and depressed is a natural emotion. Even the happiest of people get sad and depressed at times. The difference maker is the ability to cope and recognize it's simply a call to action, a call for change.

"The hook-up" culture is a disposable friendship/relationship and I do find the concept sad, it is used to fill a long term need with a temporary solution and lacks spiritual depth they might actually be looking for. Sounds like a lot of wasted efforts, like using a band-aid when they need stitches no wonder they are perpetually sad. I consider myself an introvert ,I still have a few close connections that I have always cherished, it's just human nature. Having the ability to evolve thru the years with another human being is priceless and much more fruitful than a series of empty encounters.

I recently thought about why I love the vibe of 80’s so much. Why it seemed like a lovely and more happy time. Internet wasn’t around. People were going out more, meeting each other face to face. They felt sad? They went out in the nature, to the pub, to friends to talk to, did something creative with their time to take their thoughts away from the sad stuff. What do we do now? We sit home and watch Netflix to not to think about anything. We do not even notice how time passes. Everything is a blur. We numb ourselves and ignore the real world. We do not even notice how our skills of communicating face to face fade, how awkward we have become around each other. We isolate ourselves and yet crave some sort of a connection. We crave it, but don’t do anything about it and then we get sad and lonely. We live in our imagination, delusions about each other and the world. We look through feed of all the happy, beautiful moments in people’s lives, their smiles and all, but we never see the ugly parts, the things that were left out of the picture, the heartbreak, everything we are ashamed of, everything we think no one wants to know about and as a result we see a distorted reality that is not really the reality at all. And then we wonder what is wrong with us? Or the world?

Thank you for talking about this. It is an important topic and wish more people would think about these things.

Nice write-up @denmarkguy.

I found it relevant:

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I agree with you regarding the role technology has played in making it difficult for peole to cope with depression.

Obviously it may change from one country/culture to another, but I think most of the world have experienced a similar process of alienation.

Human contact will remain the best way to cope with any kind of human crisis. Even in latinamerica, where we are known for our excessive dependence on family and community, economic crises and technology have taken a toll on social interaction and emotional health.