When things don't work according to you

in depression •  6 years ago 

I have always been that unlucky one who cannot make things work according to her choice. People don't take me seriously. For everyone I am still that child who just speaks because everyone else around is speaking.
Image source : http://bit.ly/2NyCkzD

I went mad today because of my son. Now, I was a bad student in school and I know the humiliation that one has to face if they don't score well. So, I have always make it a point to teach him what he needs to learn beforehand even if that meant I had to skip my meals. During his exam times I make sure that he revises all his topics well so that there is no scope of him scoring less. I don't let him simply memorize the answers instead teach him the facts right with multiple examples. sometimes he is not in a mood to tell me the answers and during those times I repeat the answers many times so that he learns them just by listening.

I actually speand a lot of time helping him do his work and in turn I just expect him to do what is needed. It's for his own good, I don't expect a penny from him in the future. I just want to see him happy in life. I don't want him to face the humiliation of being a bad student that I faced during my schooling days.

Today he got his results and he had lost around 15 marks in one subject and couple of marks in others. Now, I don't expect him to score 100%. I understand that there could be some mistake. But 15 marks in math, his strongest subject was unbelievable for me. I had a mild shock that I couldn't control. We had spent 3 days revising math portions and there was no way that he could go wrong anywhere.

I actually thought there could be some mistake so I asked him with filled eyes about where he lost marks and it is then he is telling me that he lost marks because he didn't attempt 2 questions and did some mistakes in calculations. I couldn't control my anger. Otherwise patient me couldn't keep that smile pasted on her lips anymore. If stabbing was not a crime then my son would have been a victim today.

My husband told me to relax, but I just couldn't. I kept fuming the entire day while my son was chilling at his grandparents home playing video games. Kids these days have no remorse. He just said I won't repeat it next time and it's done. Now, I would not have had a problem if he did the problem wrong, but not attempting it was a crime in my eyes. I cried to my husband telling him what I expected and what he had done.

My husband didn't understand why I was so disappointed. It actually made me think if it is my son or me who needs a therapist. I had really bad school memories and am really scared to imagine by son experiencing the same.

But then, I guess what has to happen will happen. No one can change your luck. You'll have to face what you are destined to.

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Hello, sometimes it is better to let children learn by themselves, we must reinforce healthy competition, make them see that they can give more and prioritize their responsibilities. and if they failed because they wanted to do so, let them see that this will have a consequence ... Patience and a lot of temperance ... I vote for you.

Thank you @olgaparica I hope he doesn't end up in an irreparable mess. It's heartbreaking to see kids do mistakes even when you are always ready to guide them.

Good post