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Our lake froze perfectly this year without wind or snow, turning it into one large transparent ice rink for a few amazing days of skating. The ice was clear enough to see submersed logs and schools of fish below your feet as you skated. This shot is a long exposure taken at night looking east towards the island and I used a high intensity led flashlight to light up some of the foreground cracks in the ice. The fractured ice reflects the light down the cracks much in the same way light travels down optic fiber. Any light which escapes the primary fracture travels away sideways though the ice without being visible to the observer above unless picked up by another crack and reflected upwards. A 20 second exposure at f/4.5 shot with a Samyang 14mm f2.4 on a Canon 6D MKII .


Image taken by and remains the Copyright of Robert Downie -

Wow, amazing shot! Where is this? Somewhere in North America? The fractured ice reflecting the light reminds me of those shots at Lake Baikal.

Yes it is in Northern British Columbia

It is an amazing shot, but it is truly explented how you used creativity to make your photo different than other landscape photo's! Good job and congrats on prices you'll win soon.

Thanks very kind of you ! I am not counting any chickens yet !

Can I use this as my wallpaper please? :D Awesome shot!

Sure. Anything to help you complete DStores ;-)

If you click on it you get get a higher resolution version. If that is not crisp enough (if you have a large screen) send me a DM in discord and I can give you a full resolution version.

That is just insanely cool, wow!


I captured this moment at sunrise by a hot spring near Laguna Colorada in Bolivia.
It's heart (and body of course :D) warming to soak in a hot thermal bath in the freezing morning. And I was mesmerized by the shadows and the steam that were dancing in the first glow in the tranquil wildness.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

At that moment, when I saw this sight, it seemed to me that all the light of the sun was gathered around this old staircase, on which a man was walking down. It seemed that he came out of a beam of light. It was fantastic! I regret that by the rules you can post only one snapshot. I took a series of snapshots of this event. From the appearance of a flash of light, to the appearance of this man at the top of the stairs.

Photos taken with a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX300 camera
Author @barski
I love to photograph, but, I can not call myself a professional, I still know too little.

The trees in sunlight also look amazing in this photo. :)

Thank you so much! Merry Christmas!

OMG yes! This might be your best theme so far!
My passion in longexposure photography is a perfect combination with light. I have so many photo's in this theme that it's hard to choose from. So that's why I took this photo. It is unique to see a single thundercloud caught in one frame. I was standing on one of the highest dikes in Holland to see this cloud cruising over water and land. The lightning didn't strike down a lot, but mostly stayed within the cloud giving this spectacular view.
bewerkt 1 1 of 1.jpg

Pro tier please! As always

Beautiful capture! It's indeed unique to catch a single thundercloud.

Thanks for your compliment!
Did you try catch a storm?

Yup, but not so colorful like yours.

It was really difficult to participate this time, as I live in a remote hilly village. There are no vehicles here, no lights 🚥 and basically, nothing. But, I still managed to get a picture of the glowing sunrise with a glowing bulb :D

I hope you like it. Participating in your contest is fun.

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Tier: Pro Amateur

Why? Because this was shot Handheld! With shaky hands as I just landed in Japan and decided to take a stroll through the streets. Saw this bridge, climed it, click click! After 30 or so tries...To me, this is a pro shot :D

... ✨ In This World I Had Always Been An Alien ✨...
Playing with Light for magic Delights :)
I hope this is a warm & mysterious entry that will do this time of year justice ~ ⭐️ ~ ✨

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

A photo of a lake, shot trough a prism. Amateur entry.


Your lightning photo is awesome!

Wow @derangedvisions you captured the lightning at the perfect time 👍

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface

Rainfall of Souls

The strongest Aurora Borealis I have seen in my life so far. Well, I wasn't yet in Norway or Iceland. And for Lithuania this is extremely rare occasion to have such strong solar storm visible, also because we have many cloudy and rainy days per year.
Anyhow, that was true luck and extremely calm weather this night. So we went further from the city to the beach of Baltic Sea and Miss Fortune was really on our side :)

Shot with wide 14mm lens on 30 seconds long exposure

Enjoy it!


Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

My entry:

Click on image to view full screen!

My entry for this week

Speed of light

Speed of Light

On the summer Solstice, the sun is directly overhead as it's intense light finds openings in the chasm. Swirling red sandstone becomes illuminated within it's water formed chambers. Giving way to fascination and wonderment for those who are fortunate enough to see it.
This normally dry canyon receives rain water from thirty miles upstream and drains a large area of barren land. Deadly flash floods can occur unexpectedly and with little warning. Powerful and chaotic floodwaters have played a major role in the formation of this awesome visual treasure.

Pro tier.

The first impression I got entering "Argos" was the same as in dozens of other small towns around Greece, nothing special that is. I hadn't done my homework yet so I didn't know that people live in this exact place for the past 7,000 years! As a settlement, as a village or as a town this piece of land has a huge history! No wonder that it is a member of the Most Ancient European Towns Network!

I wrote a post about it a couple of months ago.


Hello everyone, I am visiting here for the first time with this photograph taken in a park in the neighborhood of my city. The trees were illuminated by nearby streetlights that allowed me to observe the textures of the bark. I hadn't tripod so I tried to turn up the ISO and trust in my pulse to prevent blur and get this view. I hope you like it.


That's a great theme for this week! Here is my entry for the professional tier.

Bowl of Rain copy.jpg

Tier: Amateur
Nikon D5000 + Sigma AF 17-50

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Garlands were hung on the fence of the park. And looking at the Christmas tree through them, I decided to experiment with the depth of field ...