Drip Feeds Of Continuing Grand Solar Minimum

in desertfloods •  5 years ago 

This video was originally published 4/7/2019

Anomalies are starting to surface as well, as governments across the planet become more aware of the effects of the Grand Solar Minimum intensification. Case in point, Australia updated the flood maps for Canberra, the most comprehensive flood risk assessment map ever, and, take note, they doubled the areas that were showing flood risk. So, why did they have to go to the uber and double, instead of just reclassifying it as a once in a century or once in a two-century flood? What are they planning for? The link for the new flood assessment risk map is listed for you at the end of this article so you can do more research yourself.

Anyway, this article, “Human-influenced climate change is behind the floods in South China, but not Chennai”, is also very interesting. How is the science so precise that they can even peg which of the floods are human induced or CO2-induced? Do you think that is how good science is? With phenomenal hail accumulations, they are careful not to talk about any CO2 driven event because this was purely an atmospheric compression event. I am, however, warning you; this is the beginning. If this is a snowstorm in the middle of winter, and your city is completely blocked, you are going to run out of food if you do not have food in your homes. If this is a snowstorm like Buffalo, you would be stranded in your home for a month, or more. Are you confident you can survive in your home in a month? Do you have enough food in your house right now?

The media was so quick to dismiss this, saying that this is just floating hail and water and nothing to worry about, but there are more atmospheric anomalies that are happening at the moment. The statistical chances to have extremely rare tornadoes in three parts of the world in three days should almost be an impossibility; but, extremely rare and large tornado struck southern Taiwan in Linbian Township and Wanhua; then, an EF-2 tornado hit Bendigo, Victoria, and Australia; and then another rare tornado hit Liaoning Province in China. People were caught off guard by these events because they have never seen these before so they did not know what to do. Even in these articles, they admitted that tornadoes in these regions are rare.

News about this freak hailstorm was picked up by every single publication across the planet, from business publications, all the way to regular mainstream media. This has had unbelievable media coverage.

This was indeed an incredible storm, “Phenomenal hail accumulations after massive hailstorm hits Guadalajara, Mexico.” The accumulations totaled 5 feet, but the media was trying to dismiss this after it got so much attraction. Their final report was, it was just a hail that got somewhere a little deep and then it started to mount, causing the water to rise pushing the hail up, so it looked deeper than it was. Therefore, it was just water under the ice.

Then they tried to switch the narrative at the middle of the story, to try to dismiss the actual thickness of the hailstorm. But look at this image. These are people walking across the ice. It also stopped those 18-wheeler trucks and buried them. So, how capable are our modern infrastructure to deal with these types of events? Are we ready to deal with a 5-foot hailstorm or a 5-foot snowstorm week after week?

These stories saying that it’s just a bunch of water under there pushing the hail up, and that this is a flood with only a few inches of hail floating on water, I do not see any water under the hail.

I even dug a little deeper to validate this information, and I came across this image of a woman, bottom image, and cars which looked like they were pushed or dislodged by an avalanche or a mudslide.

More discussions on flooding and drought are found in my new book, Climate Revolution. Jet streams are now going vertical and are completely out of their flows. The magnetosphere is weakening, and magnetic poles are on the move; then there is this new phenomenon called the ‘equatorial vortex’, which is where a lot of heat spikes are pulled up from equatorial regions.

Maybe you are more familiar with polar vortex that pulls cool air down from the Arctic, but this new evolving term, ‘equatorial vortex’, was just used a couple of years ago to explain the heat. The equatorial vortex is doing the same thing that the polar vortex is doing, only from the equatorial bands, bringing warmer air up into places like Norway and Greenland. Again, these anomalies are not brought on by global warming, but by the Grand Solar Minimum, in a 400 or 2,000 year cycle.

These anomalies will get more intense in the future, and this is explained completely in Climate Revolution.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you would like more content like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go through out your day.

Climate Revolution is a ‘must read’ for the understanding of our Sun driven climate as we progress deeper into the new Eddy Grand Solar Minimum. Weather extremes leading to Global food scarcity and high food prices are here now, and this book describes the expected changes, how to survive & thrive during future challenging times with practical preparations.

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(MIAC #220) Is Volcanic Ash Responsible for Summer Snow in the Northern Hemisphere ?


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*** Today’s Story Links ***

USA – Researchers Find Patterns Associated With Extreme Floods
Research Reveals Large Scale Global Patterns of Extreme Rainfall
Updated Flood Maps for Canberra Released
Mali Floods

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