Design patterns: Visitor

in design-patterns •  7 years ago 


We are taking care of another design pattern, and it is Visitor, now entries can be irregular, I have some responsibilities, but a series of design patterns I want to finish :) We go with the theme :)


The main purpose of the Visitor's pattern is to add new functionalities to an existing object without modifying the class on which the object operates. As you can see, this pattern does not violate the open-closed principle as you can see on the picture below :) .


The implementation in short looks like, the Visitor class declares the visit() method, whose argument is an element of the structure and elements of the structure declare the accept() method, which accepts as argument the Visitor class, the accept() method calls the visit() method in the Visitor class depending on the type of argument passed.

Visitor cooperates well with Composite, so in practice they can be used together to manage eg the structure of employees in the company. The Composite is responsible for the structure and the Visitor is responsible for assigning tasks to each employee.


  1. Represents operations performed on structure objects also allows you to define a new operation without changing the class of the element on which it operates.
  2. Separates the algorithm from the structure it operates on.
  3. Double dispatch, i.e. calling the visitor's methods depending on the type of parameter pass to the method.


Many operations must be performed on separate elements of the object structure. In this case, it will be good to use the Visitor pattern, because the class visitor iterates efficiently after each element in the structure of objects.

Use when:

  1. You have the structure of objects and you have to perform some operation on every element of this structure.
  2. You want to add or change operations performed on structure elements without changing the class of this element.


Let's see how the Visitor pattern looks like
The client first saves the elements in the structure, then creates the visitors classes objects and subsequently iterates over the elements of the structure.

Let's see how it looks in the code, let's start with the Visitor class and classes that inherit from it:

namespace VisitorSchema
    abstract class Visitor
        public abstract void VisitElement(ElementA elementA);
        public abstract void VisitElement(ElementB elementB);

And classes that inherit from the Visitor class, or you can say specific visitors :) implementing abstract methods.

namespace VisitorSchema
    class Visitor1 : Visitor
        public override void VisitElement(ElementA elementA)
            Console.WriteLine(elementA.GetType().Name + " visited by " + GetType().Name);

        public override void VisitElement(ElementB elementB)
            Console.WriteLine(elementB.GetType().Name + " visited by " + GetType().Name);

And the second Visitor2.

namespace VisitorSchema
    class Visitor2 : Visitor
        public override void VisitElement(ElementA elementA)
            Console.WriteLine(elementA.GetType().Name + " visited by " + GetType().Name);

        public override void VisitElement(ElementB elementB)
            Console.WriteLine(elementB.GetType().Name + " visited by " + GetType().Name);

We will call methods depending on the type of argument, i.e. in our case the class name as we can see we use method overloading.

Let's see what class we pass to the VisitElement() methods. We have an Abstract class Element first.

namespace VisitorSchema
    abstract class Element
        public abstract void Accept(Visitor visitor);

As you can see, we have defined the Accept() method in which we will call VisitElement() methods in specific classes that inherit from the Element class, depending on the class name.

Let's see the classes inheriting from the Element class.

namespace VisitorSchema
    class ElementA : Element
        public override void Accept(Visitor visitor)

And ElementB.

namespace VisitorSchema
    class ElementB : Element
        public override void Accept(Visitor visitor)

As you can see the ElementB and ElementA classes do not differ much, just the name of the class, we will pass the name of the class as an argument to the VisitElement() method, thanks to which the compiler will know which version of the VisitElement() method must to invoke.

All created elements are saved in the structure of objects and we iterate through its elements by calling the Accept() method.

namespace VisitorSchema
    class ObjectStructure
        private List<Element> _elements = new List<Element>();

        public void Attach(Element element)

        public void Detach(Element element)

        public void Accept(Visitor visitor)
            foreach (Element element in _elements)

We create elements of the structure in the client, also from the client's level we call the Accept() method, followed by iteration over the elements of this structure.

namespace VisitorSchema
    class MainApp
        static void Main()
            ObjectStructure o = new ObjectStructure();
            o.Attach(new ElementA());
            o.Attach(new ElementB());

            Visitor v1 = new Visitor1();
            Visitor v2 = new Visitor2();





Time for a lame joke :)

Why can't you trust trees?

Because they are shady.

I know, I have to look for some better jokes :) , I'm average in this

Real-life example

Taxi company

Let's now make an example on the principle of a transport company, the structure class of objects is a list of clients, the customer is one of the elements of this list, and the taxi is an example of the Visitor class. As they say, the picture means more than a thousand words :)

As in the previous example, let's start with the visitors in our case it is a taxi.

namespace taxi
    abstract class Taxi
        public abstract void VisitCustomer(TaxiCustomer customer);
        public abstract void VisitCustomer(PoorCustomer poorCustomer);
        public abstract void VisitCustomer(RichCustomer richCustomer);

We define the VisitCustomer() method, which can accept as an argument three different classes of ordinary customer, rich and poor. Let's see the classes that implement the VisitCustomer() method.

namespace taxi
    class Taxi1 : Taxi
        public override void VisitCustomer(TaxiCustomer customer)
            Console.WriteLine("Customer " + + " has been visited by " + GetType().Name);

        public override void VisitCustomer(PoorCustomer poorCustomer)
            Console.WriteLine("Customer " + + " can only pay 20$ for " + GetType().Name);

        public override void VisitCustomer(RichCustomer richCustomer)
            Console.WriteLine("Customer " + + " can pay 100$ for " + GetType().Name);


namespace taxi
    class Taxi2 : Taxi
        public override void VisitCustomer(TaxiCustomer customer)
            Console.WriteLine("Customer " + + " has been visited by " + GetType().Name);

        public override void VisitCustomer(PoorCustomer poorCustomer)
            Console.WriteLine("Customer " + + " cannot go " + GetType().Name + "." + " He doesn't have money.");

        public override void VisitCustomer(RichCustomer richCustomer)
            Console.WriteLine("Customer " + + " can pay 300$ for " + GetType().Name);

Let's see the customer classes now.

First, the customer's abstract class in which the most important things are defined:

namespace taxi
    abstract class Customer
        public string name;
        public abstract void Accept(Taxi taxi);


namespace taxi
    class RichCustomer : Customer
        public RichCustomer(string Name)
            name = Name;

        public override void Accept(Taxi taxi)


namespace taxi
    class PoorCustomer : Customer
        public PoorCustomer(string Name)
            name = Name;

        public override void Accept(Taxi taxi)


namespace taxi
    class TaxiCustomer : Customer
        public TaxiCustomer(string Name)
            name = Name;

        public override void Accept(Taxi taxi)

All customers are obviously enrolled in the structure of objects.

namespace taxi
    class CustomerStructure
        private List<Customer> _customers = new List<Customer>();

        public void Attach(Customer customer)

        public void Detach(Customer customer)

        public void Accept(Taxi taxi)
            foreach (Customer customer in _customers)

In the client, we save customers using the transport company's services in the structure and iterate through the customer structure.

namespace taxi
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CustomerStructure o = new CustomerStructure();

            o.Attach(new TaxiCustomer("Sam"));
            o.Attach(new TaxiCustomer("John"));
            o.Attach(new TaxiCustomer("Carl"));
            o.Attach(new PoorCustomer("David"));
            o.Attach(new RichCustomer("McOnnel"));

            Taxi t1 = new Taxi1();
            Taxi t2 = new Taxi2();







Relations with other design patterns

  1. The Iterator can traverse the entire structure of the Composite. The visitor can perform operations on elements after which he iterates.
  2. The visitor can be used together with the iterator to be able to iterate through the objects structure and perform operations on some of these objects.
  3. The Interpreter pattern syntax tree is a Composite, so the Iterator and Visitor can also be used.


That’s all about Visitor.

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In the next article, we will talk about the Memento pattern.

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