RE: [Steemit All Stars] JLA Minimalistic Trading Cards Set

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[Steemit All Stars] JLA Minimalistic Trading Cards Set

in design •  8 years ago 

The Question is great, it's basically Rorschach though haha...

I don't know man, I think they are just trying to do something different and focusing on the whole gritty 80-90s DC stuff which I find pretty stupid. You can make superheroes badasses without making them cynical. But oh well, they think they can make Superman be Dr. Manhattan and Batman Rorschach. They just don't understand their characters that well. Spidey only took Marvel 15 minutes of screen time to do him justice!

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Actually the reverse. Rorschach is a much crazier clone of the Question.

Yes I forgot about it! I'm not a big comics fan but I've always loved DC superheroes from the animated series and toys growing up ;).

I've only read (and loved) Watchmen, Batman Year One, The Dark Knight, All Star Superman, The Killing Joke, Kingdom Come and Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth.

Any suggestions? Especially anything starring J'onn J'onzz ;)

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J'onn is under-utilized. The best DC thing I've read recently is the Starman revival from the 90s, and he ain't in it. Though the Young Justice cartoon was OK, and there was a girl teeny-bopper Martian in that.