I made myself a logo!

in design •  7 years ago  (edited)


With the idea of sharing my gaming content on multiple social networks, I also decided to create some logo and cover for my channels. The reason is that I simply don't want my face to be the first thing you see when you come to my website. I'll use it just in some posts and streams from time to time.

Well, but how this logo should look?

I imagined some logo where you can see I'm a girl. Yeah, I say I don't want to use my girl power a lot, but why not! Gamer girl is super hot or not? And, of course, I had to somehow put some gaming elements into it so you can see what is my blog about even without reading its description (it is still missing in most of my websites).

Sooo... In my spare time at work, I took a paper and a pen and started to draw. And I didn't have to wait for the result a long time!

At first, I outlined the shape of my face and hair from my photo with gaming headset (it is my profile picture now) and began to think about where to place the game elements.

At first, I thought I'd put them under the silhouette of my face, but then I got a much better idea!

What if I use the mouse buttons instead of the face and the PS4 controller in my hair! That would cover PC and PS4 on which I play games! Sometimes I just love my brain.

Just laugh at my thoughts:



The controller made a terrible helmet on my head, so I decided to put the buttons straight into my hair and ta-da. The logo was born!

I wasn't sure about using a mouth, so it's drawn with a pencil.

The redrawing process.

After I redrew the logo into Inkscape, it was clearly seen that the version with a mouth would be better.

And just for fun, the mid mouse button looks like an eye of the Cyclops, which used to be my nickname in some games. It was a Cyclops-female in Czech (Kyklopka).

So many references in this logo...

As soon as I finished the redrawing, I began to experiment with colors:

That mint color should be same as the one on Steemit logo. It just looks a little different in combination with black.

Which version do you like the most? Please give me some feedback. My favorites, for now, are versions with the black background.

And yeah, it's not perfect, but I'm not a pro. I do it just for fun :D

May the seed be with you! :D

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Wow, that's really impressive! I wish I had those kinds of skills...

I'd be working on the OPG logo at that point!

Thanks! I was always a creative person, but I'm not in a mood to create something lately. I just want to play games :D

I'd be working on the OPG logo at that point!

I'll think about it too. Maybe I'll get some excellent idea!

I tried and failed so hard making myself a logo/banner for gaming :)
I will stick to simple picture and text :)))

Well, mine is also quite simple and looks a little childish, but it is the best I can make. I had no better idea :D
And if it's working, then why not. Your (is it a self-portrait?) simple picture looks fine :)

Yeah, just one of my quick sketches, just for fun.
Id would need heavy improvement and digitisation:)

Gaming is all about being childish!

[1,2] is my favorite :)

Myslíš 1 a 2 v řadě? Jsem tam měla přidat čísílka, abych to nemusela řešit :D Každopádně dík za zpětnou vazbu!

nie nie, myslel som to ako index v matici :D prvy riadok, druhy stlpec

Jo tak ty takhle :D To mě nějak nenapadlo, díky!

Postingan kamu saya suka

Dal bych dvojku a čtyřku dle příležitosti, ke které logo použiješ ;-)

Díky za názor! Čtyřka je u mě jasný favorit, ale vždycky je lepší mít víc verzí právě pro ty různé příležitosti :)

Neni zač ;-)

that actually came out really nice! from the options you gave i really like equally both the one you have at the start of your post and the one similar too it with the black background but with the black and white elements ( the up right one ).

in general somehow it reminds me, i don't know how to express it... hmm like a badass clown like mask coming out of dark game or movie, like Harley Quinn had a mask :P I want to make also a logo for a series of posts so i think i am gonna try out inscape (i hope it's free :P )

Thank you for your opinion, I see that we chose the same ones :D

Yeah, my bf said it's creepy so it is the reason why I gave it a mouth.

I have a good news for you. Inkscape is free. For me it is quite complicated, because I never used any vector graphics editor, but everything is possible even with trial and error approach :D

Mně se líbí to poslední, černé na modrém.

Hello @pipiczech, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Wow, thank you for your support :)