Daily UI Challenge

in design •  7 years ago 


Welcome to my 100 Daily UI Challenge .

The plan is to dedicate no more than one hour daily crafting a UI element. I need to move fast, be creative and explore new visual directions.

I know these projects don't consider UX, and people have said it devalues what a designer does, but I don't agree with this sentiment, and I think being able to rapidly come up with ideas to a problem is just as important as making sure you're solving the right problem for the user. These things can, and should live in harmony.

One of the coolest things about these challenges, is that it can be super interesting to see how many variations people come up with for the same element. I encourage all of you to join in and come up with your own solutions to the challenges!

Create your own post, and add the tag #dailyui*** (replace *** with the UI challenge number). And of course, I'd love it if you shared your creations in my comments section!

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