How color affects your brain
Few things affect us emotionally as much as the colors of the environment that surrounds us, which affect the mood for physical as well as psychological reasons. The cultural inheritance on the perception of the different tones, the individual experiences that we associate to each one of them and the changes of tendencies for adaptive questions make that each individual lives the chromatic varieties in a different way.
your brain does not feel the same before the black color of a Gothic young man as an African-American Black Power activist or someone who goes from mourning to a funeral. Moreover, its meaning is not permanent: until Queen Victoria of England made it fashionable to marry in white, European brides went to the altar in red, gold or even dark suit.
The British evolutionary psychologist Nicholas Humphrey conducted an experiment with caged monkeys where he demonstrated that blue light soothed them. Other investigations corroborate the soothing power of this color, to which, for example, two-week-old babies stay still more easily, but surely a sailor who has suffered a shipwreck does not relate it precisely to tranquility.
On the other hand, in Humphrey's study the tone related to negative hyperactivation was red, which the monkeys avoided by all means. We can assume that there is a connotation that associates it with blood.
However, in the Lüscher test - a test to gauge the psychophysical state of a patient according to the colors he chooses - the incarnate is considered the expression of the vital force. And in a recent experiment at the University of Manchester, participants who were in good emotional shape tended to choose yellow as the color to define their cheerful mood, which is sometimes associated with restlessness and bad luck.
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