It is easy to get friends when you have everything you need, when you have a lot of money, and when you drive a limousine. Everyone will come to join you and enjoy the ride together with you. But, when you are living such glorious days, you will have a hard time finding out who really is your friend, and who just joins in for the party.
That is why you better pick your friends carefully. During your days of success, you can only trust those people who were there in your days of despair. It is those people you know will be there when life turns hard again, and it is such people who will find the upcoming battles with you and be by your side, no matter what!
“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” ― Oprah Winfrey
This is important when it comes to picking friends, and it is important when you employ people to work with you, or look for a colleague or someone to build a business together with. You don't want someone running away whenever hardship comes around the corner, or who escapes whenever it starts to rain or life causes trouble. You want to be surrounded by fighters who will fight by your side, in rain, in storm, in sunshine, in despair, in wealth, and in all areas of life!