Make use of temporary loan delegates and A maximum achievement

in destasteem •  7 years ago 

Waiting for support

A maximum accomplishment we did with @botsteem in order to trigger a disteme tag. Build a community from the encouragement of some faithful members for this togetherness.

We are really waiting for all the other steemit members to come with us. We advocate not to use other people's work and original photo, tech enough, for while we take shelter in eSteem application.

All possibilities can happen for the future later. Make use of temporary loan delegates. We say thank you to all our members in the #destasteem tag.

Thousands of voices have come to us including members of @steemstem, because there is one of our members who post about the science of cyberspace, we are very proud of this @sdmurahmulia, we continue to support it.

We of the destasteem tag community expect this progress to continue,

There will be no success without a maximum effort

Translite indonesia

Sebuah pencapaian maksimal yang kami lakukan bersama @botsteem dalam rangka mencetus sebuah tag disteemit . Membangun sebuah komunitas ini dari dorongan beberapa anggota yang setia untuk kebersamaan ini.

Kami sangat menunggu seluruh anggota steemit lainnya ikut bersama kami. Kami menganjurkan untuk tidak menggunakan karya orang lain dan photo original, tek memadai , untuk sementara kami bernaung di aplikasi eSteem .

Semua kemungkinan bisa terjadi untuk kedepannya nanti. Memanfaatkan delegasi pinjaman sementara . Kami mengucapkan ribuan terimakasih untuk seluruh anggota kami di tag #destasteem.

Beribu suara telah mendatangi kami termasuk anggota dari @steemstem, karena ada salah satu dari anggota kami yang memposting tentang ilmu kedoktoran, kami sangat bangga pada @sdmurahmulia ini, kami terus mendukungnya.

Kami dari komunitas tag destasteem mengharapkan kemajuan ini bisa berlanjut ,

Tidak akan ada keberhasilan tanpa sebuah usaha yang maksimal.

Regards from tag destasteem in the for @good-darma & @botsteem

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Wooooww, very cool, cool, cool kren
Upvote aku juga ya dn follow
Saling membantu kawan

We recommend using destasteem and esteem tags ,,, let us continue to visit, thank you ,,,,

Yes, support from us


A remarkable achievement @good-darma


Luar biasa,,,,

Thanks ya

A pitch build in steemit

Thanks ya,,,,,,,

Certainly successful, a success must be lined with effort and hard work

Thanks devolopmen

I am very supportive


Sebuah postingan yang perlu kami ikuti

Thanks kawan

Luar bisa anda @good-darma

Thanks @merijen

Kak jngan lupa di vote back ya @syanaa

Please login via esteem application and create destasteem tag.

Do not forget to vote for all members who tag destasteem and esteem

Very supportive of you, you are the best for this all


Exceptional achievement, may reach the peak of #destasteem glory.


A fantastic success

Thanks @destabot3

Very build ,,, we always support you


It is very possible to bring this community up

Thanks ya

It's great not to stop here, very much we need to do here, we will always support you @good-darma


we will succeed


Thanks , for his cooperation

Keep the spirit

We will be in a place that deserves, we support each other with each other, for all this we are very grateful, we will work harder ,,,

Thanks ,,,,,


Thanks ya,,

A remarkable achievement ,,,

Thanks @camher

Mantap bos,,,,,

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