The destiny of fools: None who listen to Stupidity understand that her guests are as good as dead. Proverbs 9:18

in destiny •  5 months ago 

The Old Testament, when speaking of the final destiny of people, does not generally speak of a heaven and a hell except on rare occasions such as when Elijah was taken to heaven in 2 Kings 2:1-12. There is no precise reference to where those who have received God's blessing go, nor to a place where souls receive punishments. Strangely, the Bible is mysteriously silent on the issue, and perhaps this is so because this is not what is truly important. But beyond this, is the sapiential literature, with the Book of Proverbs, Wisdom, or Ben Sira, the spiritual texts which explains in depth what awaits men at the end of their days according to the path they have chosen, righteousness or sin.
And the Old Testament is clear on this subject: those who accept the wisdom of God find true life, a teaching very similar to those given by Jesus when he spoke of the spiritual gift of eternal life (contemplative activity), as the Book of Proverbs explains with intelligence: "Leave your simple ways and you will live; walk in the way of insight" Proverbs 9:6.
Finding the true life is the destiny of those who love God, that is the reward of the righteous, and this has a special meaning because what this is saying in very simple words is that in some way heaven and hell are also on the physical plane, in the earthly world. Wisdom suggests that men can make their lives a heaven or a hell through their own actions and words; mistakes and successes are paid for in this life, and this is so because of a very precise spiritual law: "My experience shows that those who plant trouble and cultivate evil will harvest the same" Job 4:7-8, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows" Galatians 6:7. And the sapiential books then affirm something else, this true life that cannot be lost accompanies the righteous souls wherever they go.
And for fools, the Old Testament mentions briefly the death and the Abyss, but this is done with the intention of warning, and perhaps this suggests everything that accompanies the absence of God and of true knowledge. This is why the Book of Proverbs teaches: "None who listen to Stupidity understand that her guests are as good as dead" Proverbs 9:18.
The destiny of fools. None who listen to Stupidity understand that her guests are as good as dead. Proverbs 9,18.jpg
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