Has Bungie/Activision Destroyed Destiny 2?

in destiny2 •  7 years ago 

Ok, so this is going to divide the players immensely, and people will most likely get hot under the collar, but please remember that this is an opinion based on my experiences, and whilst it may differ from yours, it is still valid.

So, has Bungie destroyed Destiny 2? I was an avid player of the first Destiny, and even with its faults, it was a good game, and thoroughly enjoyable. Many an hour was spent zipping round on my sparrow, shooting things and collecting the delightful engrams they dropped so that I could take them to Master Rahool and be rewarded with nothing of great value. The grind was mostly fun, and there was a sense of direction in playing the game, and a sense of achievement from completing missions. I never got to complete all of the achievements in the game, but hey, thats not a problem, as it was fun, and fun is more important than ticking off a list of things to do. Eververse was a pain in the backside, the limit on the amount of glimmer you could have was ludicrously low, having to go to orbit every time you wanted to go somewhere was stupid and the dicks who wouldn't entertain you for a raid on the day of DLC drop really infuriated me. However, the game was fun, and you could dip in for 10 minutes or a few hours, and still feel like you had achieved something.

Destiny 2, however, is a completely different animal. Not only did i complete all of the achievements available to be collected at release, and the ones which were only available when the raid dropped on the day that was released, but it feels so different. It is like playing a knock off of the original destiny, and i am fighting the urge to turn my xbox and tv over to see if they have suddenly become labelled as "Made In DPRK". Sure, the game is more polished, and they have improved certain aspects of the game greatly (e.g. guided games is a bonus for those that cannot get a raid team together, and they have removed the necessity to go to orbit every time you want to do something new), but the game lacks the grit of the original. After several hours of playing, I am left feeling empty, and like I have wasted part of my life for nothing. I no longer feel for the plight of the Guardians, and the enemies have become just pixels on the screen - nothing more, nothing less. Eververse is still a blight on the tower, and whilst the limit on the amount of glimmer you can carry has been raised, it is still woefully low, and the level cap (which was reached within 24 hours of first firing up the game, and not 24 hours of playing) is either too easy to achive, or has been set so low as to be stupid. The fun of the Grind from the first Destiny has also gone, to be replaced with a feeling of Grind for the sake of Grinding (which is never good).

Destiny 2 for me, at present, is the equivelant of 2 lemons welded together and given a quck coat of paint, and hopefully it will improve at the next major content drop. I will be returning to the game when the next DLC is available (I bought a season pass after all), but only time will tell if it was money well spent, or if I would have been better to leave it in the bank accruing all of 0.0003% interest.......

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It definitely feels like a re-skin of the original Destiny and I agree 100% that the game lacks replayability. Upon release of the game it was so simple to basically beat the game by doing public events all day. No farming, no bounties, just the same basic repetition. I really hope the DLC shows some promise, but I will wait for some reviews before purchasing.