1 Day of Destiny 2 Beta, thoughts?

in destiny2 •  8 years ago 

Well I have been playing Destiny 2 Beta on Xbone for 1 day so far.

I'm a bit disappointed about the amount of content. Played the Homecoming mission on all 3 guardians. Completed the Strike on all 3 Guardians a few times and spent the rest of the time in PVP. Don't get me wrong, I love the New game, just a bit disappointed about the amount of content in the Beta. Would have liked to have done more similar to the Destiny 1 Beta where we played the first 8 levels. Feels like I have done everything already.

Things I have liked.

I though the changes to the Striker Titan would be bad, but I was wrong. I love it. Spent more time on this than the Captain American build which I will explore some more.

I like the new Game engine. The strike was bigger, wider more to explore than the normal narrow path your expected to follow.

The Graphics are better. I does fell a bit like Overwatch but not in a bad Cartoon way.

Things that I can still do for the next couple of days.

Explore the environment. There have been reports of a few ester eggs hidden in the beta. One being an entrance to a Lost Sector, which is a mini PvE dungeon, that can be explored in the open world of the full game.


The Farm. A new social space open for 1hr on the 23rd 10amPST, which is 3am Sunday for me.

- thanks IGN

More testing of various builds and the new supers.

Is anybody else playing, What are your thoughts?

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I'm not even sure if I will bother getting up at 3am to go to the farm.