Details that make women look younger

in details •  2 years ago 


  • absolutely fit image is very important, each kilo adds 5 years to you,

  • to be cheerful and energetic, to be humorous and pleasant,

  • To dominate the way young people speak, not to speak like Bülent Ersoy, constantly update your language.

  • Your choice of clothes is very important, catch the trends from your shoes to your accessories. By the way, don't look funny, I'm asking those over 40 not to wear 3-layer mini skirts.

  • Being positive definitely makes you look younger.

  • Make your make-up light, do not find bronzer on your face, a simple make-up will make your face look younger.

-sports, yoga, pilates etc. Make it look fresh.

  • Don't neglect your personal care, skin care, get regular vitamins etc. on your face under the skin.

  • listen to upbeat, upbeat music.

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