Isabella Klais / Aufbruch - Wir für Deutschland!
Hier stellt sich der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow den Fragen von Studenten des Moskauer Staatlichen Instituts für Internationale Beziehungen (MGIMO), das er selbst einst absolvierte, zur aktuellen Lage.
Die Länge seiner Ausführungen zeigt, wie luzide er die Wichtigkeit und die Chance erkennt, seine reiche Erfahrung an die kommende Generation weiterzugeben und so für Kontinuität zu sorgen.
Der Kontrast: Ich sah als Jungdiplomat in Ausbildung Außenminister Genscher kein einziges Mal von Angesicht zu Angesicht. Er ließ sich an der Diplomatenschule stets von seinen Staatssekretären vertreten. Kurzsichtig und töricht! So vergibt man die Möglichkeit, seine Botschaft in die Zukunft zu tragen.
Hier eine Kurzfassung der russischen Botschaft in Berlin (vollständiger Text als link):
Russische Botschaft in Deutschland / Посольство
🇷🇺 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions at a meeting with students and faculty of the MGIMO University, Moscow, March 23, 2022
💬 The current developments in the world are not so much about Ukraine as about attempts to shape a new international order. Ten or so years ago, our Western colleagues began urging everyone to respect what they called “rules-based order” and to follow these “rules” instead of “international law,” which they have been calling on states to respect ever since the UN came into being.
💬No one presents these “rules” to anyone because there are none. They are created from scratch for each particular case. They are written within a narrow circle of Western countries and palmed off as the ultimate truth.
💬 We are witnessing the apotheosis of the Ukrainian crisis. There is no doubt that containing any rival is one of the “rules” that the West is eager to implement. Today, Russia is that rival, but China has been declared next in line (or this process will take place in parallel). The goal of this “rules-based international order” is the full revival of the unipolar world.
💬 NATO is an obedient tool, and it has always been this way. The European Union is coming up with numerous speculations and ideas concerning the need to create a “strategic autonomy.” President of France Emmanuel Macron has been actively advocating this idea. But the EU has lost its independence.
💬 So far, only a modest decision on the Strategic Compass, a 5000-strong rapid deployment brigade, has materialised. But in conceptual matters, the EU has fully merged with NATO and the United States. A process has been underway for years, where neutral, non-bloc EU countries, which are not NATO members, provide their infrastructure for military exercises. European Mobility, designed to facilitate eastward movement, does not differentiate between a NATO member and a neutral country. In any case, this caters to the needs of the North Atlantic Alliance, which has been expanding east throughout the recent years (despite all of its commitments).
🔗 Full speech: