Chemtrails und Nanopartikel nun auch bei ZDF & NDR

in deutsch •  7 years ago 

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Dear friend,

your article was resteemed and featured on the Stop Chemtrails Digest #10.

Thank you very much for helping raise our collective awareness.

Together we can stop this madness!


The Bundeswehr is telling you:

"Geo-Engineering: Gezielt das Klima beeinflussen

Bereits seit Langem versucht der Mensch sich als „Wettermacher“. Die Bandbreite seiner Bemühungen reicht dabei vom religiösen Ritual bis zur Nutzung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse. Gegenwärtig aber unternimmt er Anstrengungen, nicht allein lokale Wetterphänomene, sondern das gesamte globale Klima gezielt zu beeinflussen."

So when you "Gegenwärtig etwas unternimmst" means that, that you are doing it already... for this the German language is verly clear and specific even when most Germans are not able to understand the true meaning of their own language ^^

link Bundeswehr

What is fake? Solar Radiation Management is real and the media was reporting about especially before it happened.

The Nemesis Solar System get closer and closer... SRM is the logical consequence, make your research ;)

Even the German Army called "Bundeswehr" is telling you that humankind is already doing it...

... also is it confirmed by divine guidance trought the Regent of the returned Christ. We stand for truth in all matter !!!

Love GOD love EACH other!!!

Nice of you !!

Unfortunately I cannot agree - it's hard to believe chemtrails are not condensed particles of simple water.

our planet doesn't have the need of human protection - we are in fact very small and destructive to her.

Planet have self protection power - see magnetic field.

Right but we have a second sun... doubled amount of radiation ect... there you got the reason why all high advanced cultures were cut down after a few thousand years....

... actually its good that you not believe! But have an open mind and make your research! Even the ex FBI Chief Ted Gunderson is warning for chemtrails (SRM) do you think this man is a redneck?

Do you have any evidence of second sun ?! Sorry but this sounds to me like a fairy tail 😁😂😁

When you google "dead NASA scientists" you see that most of them are killed but one prominent astronomer was clever and announced it within a live show by the passing of mercury:

You know the effects of the second sun as climate change or global warming ;)

.... Haha - I think the guy in the video makes a joke.

Consider the gravity - 2 big objects like sun cannot "live" so close...

nope, no joke... it is true and the the nemesis solar system is already affecting all planets in our solar system...

... but you are right, you THINK... time to get knowledge which is right in your face. As I said, start your own research...

... in Asia the news even reporting about the second sun in the news.

And you can see it also in webcams:

see here :

We are the anointed Clergy of the returned Christ, Lord RayEl. His intention is to set things right and we are here to prepare the people for what is coming. Time has come