My contribution to a 'Happy Earth Day' - Mein Beitrag zum "Tag der Erde" -Week 8: 7-Day Steemit Income Building Weekly Accountability (SIBWA) Challenge

in deutsch •  6 years ago  (edited)

Today is the celebration of Earth day and is a good occasion to start thinking about implementing daily practices to contribute to a healthier and cleaner environment. According to the "A million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute and the number will jump another 20% by 2021, creating an environmental crisis some campaigners predict will be as serious as climate change."

After reading this I decided to be more conscious about my consumption habits and especially of the plastic I will be using from now on. As a step towards a better environment my family already stopped using nuclear energy by installing a roof-based solar power system. Additionally I will start taking my own mug when going to the coffe shop and I will start carrying my own water bottle to refill my bottle with tap water instead of using plastic water bottles. I already permanently carry a fabric bag in my purse and don't use plastic bags anymore. We only have one earth for all of us, so let's start to treat our mother planet with more respect and love! I wish everybody on steemit a happy earth day:-)

Heute wird weltweit der "Tag der Erde" gefeiert und das ist eine gute Gelegenheit darüber nachzudenken, wie wir neue Gewohnheiten in unserem täglichen Leben ausbilden können für eine gesündere und saubere Umwelt. Laut '' werden "in jeder Minute über eine Million Plastikbehälter weltweit gekauft und diese Zahlen werden bis zum Jahr 2021 um weitere 20% steigen und laut einigen Aktivisten eine Umweltkrise auslösen, die genauso ernst ist wie der Klimawandel."

Nach dem Lesen dieses Artikels habe ich beschlossen mit sofortiger Wirkung meine Konsumgewohnheiten bewusst zu verändern und insbesondere meinen Plastikverbrauch zu reduzieren. Den ersten Schritt für eine bessere Umwelt haben wir bereits getan, indem wir eine Photovoltaikanlage auf unserem Dach installiert haben und keine Atomkraft mehr nutzen. Zusätzlich will ich ab heute immer meinen eigenen Kaffebecher mitnehmen, wenn ich mir im Coffeshop einen Kaffee hole und immer meine eigene Trinkflasche zum Auffüllen mit Leitungswasser dabei haben und keine Plastikwasserflaschen mehr benutzen. Bereits seit einiger Zeit benutze ich auch keine Plastiktüten mehr, da ich immer eine Stofftasche in meiner Handtasche dabei habe. Es gibt nur eine Erde für uns alle, daher sollten wir unserem Heimatplaneten mehr Respekt und Liebe entgegenbringen. Ich wünsche allen Teilnehmern auf steemit einen "Happy Earth Day":-))

The solar power plant on our roof/ die Photovoltaikanlage auf unserem Dach:

My reusable coffe mug/ mein wiederverwendbarer Kaffebehälter ;-)

No more plastic bottles because of my glass water bottle/ Nie wieder Plastikflaschen - meine Wasserflasche aus Glas:

My fabric bag/ mein Stoffbeutel:

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oh yea for the past year i am changing almost everything i did wrong in my opinion, started to feel quietly in a way

@edgarsart: Yeay that's awesome with the transformation of your habits! Isn't it wonderful to feel quietly doing something good for mother nature and humanity ? Thanks for your feedback :-))

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thank you and Happy Earth Day to you too, @zuckerzombie!

Earth Day 2018 has rolled around so fast!!!

my family already stopped using nuclear energy by installing a roof-based solar power system.

I will start taking my own mug when going to the coffee shop

I will start carrying my own water bottle to refill my bottle with tap water instead of using plastic water bottles

I already permanently carry a fabric bag in my purse and don't use plastic bags anymore.

Thank you for all you're doing to leave a smaller carbon footprint, @zuckerzombie and for honoring Earth's special day with this post. May it inspire all of us to take care of our collective home more.

PS Will return to upvote when voting power is at more healthy level. ;)

Did return plus little extras on your Challenge comments, @zuckerzombie. ;)

I know this article is already some days old now, but I wanted to thank you for your care about our earth anyway. It makes me very happy to meet conscious people. We can do so much, if we would just begin to act more conscious within our near enviroment. Today for example I went to the supermarket and saw, that someone left some food from the fridge (meat and sliced sausage) at the cashier, where it probably went bad. This is such a waste! I think we should really stop to take everything nature gives us for granted. Everything is a precious gift. Every little thing. No matter how low or high the price tag is.

Thank you so much for your nice feedback @antikesdenken :-) What you experienced at the supermarket is really a upsetting, I also know this issue and I always get so sad when seing this waste of food! All the animals have died for nothing and this is a big shame (allthough I'm not a vegan but I always choose the free range or organically/ethically grown animal products). We live in such an abundance and it's really crazy how most of us got used to it and don't appreciate this precious gift of abundance. The human race should be more conscious about the recources we consume in our society and therefore I like to support events like 'Earth Day' or organizations like greenpeace etc. So glad that you have a similar opinion - it's good to know that more and more people get more conscious about this topic and the health of our environment:-)