How to setup your witness for a Bitshares test net on Ubuntu 14.04

in dev •  9 years ago 

The following instructions covers the setup of a witness in Ubuntu 14.04.

You can get latest version with chain id, genesis, and github tag here

##Installation of dependencies

Extracted from instructions here:, but limited only for witness / cli build.

If you already have done your installation move to next step

sudo apt-get update

Installation of development tools

sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 g++-4.9 cmake make libbz2-dev libdb++-dev libdb-dev libssl-dev openssl libreadline-dev autoconf libtool git

If you cannot install gcc-4.9, you will need to add this repository before hand and try again.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test

###Installation of BOOST

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install autotools-dev build-essential g++ libbz2-dev libicu-dev python-dev
wget -c '' -O boost_1_57_0.tar.bz2
[ $( sha256sum boost_1_57_0.tar.bz2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 ) == "910c8c022a33ccec7f088bd65d4f14b466588dda94ba2124e78b8c57db264967" ] || ( echo 'Corrupt download' ; exit 1 )
tar xjf boost_1_57_0.tar.bz2
cd boost_1_57_0/
./ "--prefix=$BOOST_ROOT"
./b2 install

##Git checkout and build
Ensure your boost path is correct


Check out and build

cd ~
git clone
cd graphene

Check out test 5 (specific to this chain) / or don't do anything to get latest

git checkout test5

Update submodules and build make file

git submodule update --init --recursive

##Setup witness / import balances

Navigate to the witness directory

cd ~/graphene/programs/witness_node

Download genesis
Path specific for Test 5


Start a new terminal screen


Run the witness
Current nodes for test 5 (replace for other tests)

./witness_node --rpc-endpoint ""  --genesis-json oct-02-testnet-genesis.json -d test_net_5 -s  ""

-d parameter is for the directory you want the witness data to be stored
-s is the node you want to connect

If you have problems, you might need to put the whole path for the genesis

./witness_node --rpc-endpoint ""  --genesis-json ~/graphene/programs/witness-node/oct-02-testnet-genesis.json -d test_net_5 -s "" 

Detach from screen

 Ctrl A Ctrl D

Extract your wif keys for user and balances as per xeroc's instructions


Navigate to cli_wallet

cd ~/graphene/programs/cli_wallet

Run cli
Current chain id for test 5

 ./cli_wallet -w test_wallet  --chain-id c746b258deb5e476601488d8dbb98cf6dcacc2dec857fda58514907257d461c3

-w is your directory wallet

Setup witness as per xerocs instructions


Remember to copy your keys, witness id
Note you need to wait for a maintenance period to be voted in


Go back to your witness screen

screen -r

Exit your witness

ctrl c

Restart with parameters to start block producing (block producing needs your witness id and private keys) Current nodes for test 5 (replace for other tests)

./witness_node --rpc-endpoint ""  --genesis-json oct-02-testnet-genesis.json -d test_net_5 -s  ""  --witness-id '"1.6.5156"' --private-key '["GPH6JhL..your.signing.key..bc5mWyCvERV3coy","5K..your.secret..a"]'

See your witness producing blocks and
you can Ctrl A Ctrl D to detach from screen.


If you end up in a fork, or your blockchain gets corrupted it takes a long time to replay blockchain.

When I am synced, I shutdown with C-c (it should shutdown in a clean way) and I copy the blockchain folder as backup (if it shutdown without errors).
Everytime my blockchain is corrupted, I remove the blockchain folder and I copy with the backup one and restart the witness.
Finally I backup the blockchain folder every day.


xeroc, puppies, abit, clayop, betax, maqifrnswa, lafona, IHashfury, Riverhead, testz, cryptosile, Thom, spartako

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Thanks for the credit :)

This is the old wiki instructions for the testnet :) , testing the blog posts.