I am watching Vue since its beginning. Community support, implementations and integrations as well as tooling makes it a very nice option for rapid web development. One of the areas Vue was kinda lacking major support was mobile app development on par with React Native or NativeScript solutions. No, Weex didn't quite work out.
I was therefore quite happy to find out, that last week, the NativeScript-Vue team announced a 1.0 release of NativeScript-Vue. Now app development integration can push Vue to the next level.
Read full annoucement alonside some hello world examples @ https://vuejsdevelopers.com/2018/03/05/getting-started-vue-nativescript/
What was a true surprise is a very nice online playground you can use to try out NativeScript-Vue (or other NativeScript flavours). You basically play around with code like you'd do in codepen or jsfiddle but the result can be run on you mobile device by simply scanning a QR code. Very neat.
If you are intrigued hear over to https://play.nativescript.org/?template=play-vue .
image source: vuejsdevelopers.com