Creating a new project | #04 - Building CRUD posts functionality

in dev •  5 years ago 

If you haven't read the last post you can find it here

**TLDR** I am building a web application from scratch using PHP Laravel and learning in the process, the application will be a Recipe sharing app that I will build on overtime.
Now I have Authentication all set up my next step was to get the CRUD functionality for creating recipes. (Create Read Update Delete).

Please note that I have not touched the styling on 99% of the app, I'm focusing on the backend and user functionality before styling comes into it. But this is the current look at the dashboard once a user is logged in. From the dashboard, the user is able to create new recipes and edit/delete their current recipes.
Creating the CRUD functionality took many steps including DB migrations (like the scruffy-looking one here):

I've also been working on allowing the user to upload an image with their recipe, a lot of this work was done in the Controller:
This morning I've been working on the create a recipe page, this consists of a form that will post the data to the DB and create a recipe, that shows on the front end.

Again I've not really focused too much on style but you can get a little sense in what accent colour I'm going for:

Thanks for reading and following the process, I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to drop a comment below. Feedback is key to my learning!
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A cool project and one that could be customised to be so many things. Have you thought about adding a categorisation function along the lines of vegan, vegetarian, gluten free etc etc?