Developing a Student - Promoting Career Opportunities for Students

in develpoingastudent •  3 years ago  (edited)


Many graduates are looking for their first job but often find themselves in a difficult position. Graduate careers can be hard to come by, and many students graduate without knowing what they want to do next. Developing a Student is here to help! We offer career development advice for students looking to improve their graduate prospects. Our website helps students and employers find the best ways for you to create your own graduate opportunities - with topics including student jobs, graduate options and more.

In the past few years, many companies have been forced to cut down on staff numbers due to a struggling economy. Graduate vacancies are often one of the first things to be slashed from company lists. But now, employers are beginning to recognize how valuable graduates can be for their business - and as such, graduate jobs have made a return!
Last year, the average salary for working-age graduates was over £35,000 - more than £9,500 higher than non-graduates (£25,500). Graduate jobs are becoming increasingly desirable by employers, and as the economy continues to pick up, Graduate Schemes will also become more popular. There are also Graduate Programmes available for students who want to pursue a career in education, research or the charity sector. Developing a Student is here to help you graduate into your dream job.

For many, Graduate Schemes, Graduate Jobs and graduate opportunities can be hard to come by. Graduate jobs are becoming more popular in the UK, and Employers recognise that a Graduate Scheme can be beneficial for both parties - with graduates gaining valuable work experience to add towards their CV. At Developing a Student, we understand that the market can be difficult at times - which is why we provide guides on how students can find opportunities within a variety of industries.

With an abundance of confusing information out there, we realised the benefit of providing a one-stop-shop for all your careers and employment needs. With numerous graduates part of our team, we understand first-hand what's needed to find employment in the current climate. We also understand how difficult it is to find Graduate Funding, but our Graduate Guides provide students from all backgrounds with information on the finance available to them.

Developing a Student promotes roles from employers dedicated to providing opportunities for students and graduates across the UK. Our Student Jobs Board is updated daily with graduate schemes, graduate programmes and graduate job vacancies. We help students and graduates by providing a platform on which they can search for opportunities relevant to their own individual interests. Employer's looking to hire graduates have the option of posting their own vacancies on our jobs board and promote their organisation with a detailed company profile, allowing candidates to find out more about them before they apply.

Not every graduate wants to pursue a full-time job immediately after graduating, and we have dedicated time to creating informative pages on a variety of Graduate Options. In addition to this, we also provide information on the financial support available to students and graduates looking at alternative career paths such as studying abroad (Erasmus), or applying for internships. The Erasmus scheme provides students with the opportunity to study abroad in a European university, and has been pivotal for many individuals looking at studying outside of their home country. Our Graduate Funding Guide is an invaluable resource when it comes down to finding financial support for your studies.

Developing a Student provides career development advice that will boost your employment prospects. Our website is here to help you navigate your way through graduate schemes and programmes - so if you're looking for Graduate Career advice, look no further than Developing A Student!

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