Đavolja Varoš/Devil's Town - The greatest beauty of Serbia

in deviltown •  6 years ago 


Nobody knows the story of exactly how it was created, there are a few legends, but one thing is certain, the devil Varos is one of the greatest natural beauties of Serbia.


Djavolja Varoš consists of two rare phenomena: attractive stone formations created by erosion and two springs of extremely acid water with high mineral content.


The Legend Says:

Strangely sculpted and,even stranger,arranged figures (made from earth),water with strange taste and smell,mystical and mysterious sound that is made when the wind blows - influenced the imagination of the local population so they named this place Devil's Town. People explained this natural phenomena in many legends.Here's one of them:

Once upon a time, there lived humble, calm, citizens who ware very religious. Devil didn't like the loyalty of the citizens so he sent them a "Devil's water" to forget about familial relationships. As they drank the water, stunned villagers decide to marry brother and sister!

Some fairy tried to stop this Devil's plan,but she failed. She started to pray to God to stop the incest. God listened to her request, connected heaven with earth, the strong and cold wind petrified the wedding party with all the sinful newlyweds .


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